This is an unprofessional Collection cite. That wishes for Speech and Debate with Regards to the topics collected and Special Libraried. I wish for defense of Fair Use Doctrine, not for profit, educational collection.

"The new order was tailored to a genius who proposed to constrain the contending forces, both domestic and foreign, by manipulating their antagonisms" "As a professor, I tended to think of history as run by impersonal forces. But when you see it in practice, you see the difference personalities make." Therefore, "Whenever peace-concieved as the avoidance of war-has been the primary objective of a power or a group of powers, the international system has been at the mercy of the most ruthless member" Henry Kissinger

The World market crashed. There was complete blame from the worlds most ruthless power on the world's most protective and meditational power. So I responded with: "We must now face the harsh truth that the objectives of communism [The Communist Chinese Party's (CCP) Economic Espionage Units called the MSS] are being steadily advanced because many of us do not recognize the means used to advance them. ... The individual is handicapped by coming face to face with a Conspiracy so monstrous she or he cannot believe it exists. The American mind simply has not come to a realization of the evil which has been introduced into our midst" Therefore, like Dr. John Nash would probable think: This is because of our lost state craft of tracing scientific coding in the intelligence community of the algorithmic code of the Communist espionage agents. As "The Communist [CCP's economic espionage units called the MSS] threat from without must not blind us to the Communist [CCP's economic espionage units called the MSS] threat from within. The latter is reaching into the very heart of America through its espionage agents and a cunning, defiant, and lawless communist party, which is fanatically dedicated to the Marxist cause of world enslavement and destruction of the foundations of our Democracy/Republic." J. Edgar Hoover. Which allows the Communist to shape the future and powers that be. As "Our citizens and our future citizens cannot share properly in shaping the future unless we understand the present, for the raw material of events to come is the knowledge of the present and what we make it"

Lieutenant General Leslie R. Groves

If you have any problem with IP or copyright laws that you feel are in violation of the research clause that allows me to cite them as per clicking on them. Then please email me at
US Copy Right Office Fair Use doctrine. Special Libary community common law, and Speech and Debate Congressional research civilian assistant. All legal defenses to copy right infringement.

Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Much love to artists and mutiplicists.

I want checks for e mags on the system. I would guess that they would be using such to try and hide it. If it had anything to do with the idea of multiplicity and freedom. Again, I hope my doubts are true. However, you would have to speak wit those closest to him hold his secrets. Please do.

Drug overdose. What a way to go. I am sure a man with so much really gave it all up for some drug overdose, I doubt it.

Hunt em down my blood lust wants to know. If it was friendly OD or thrown in to take down freedom and art. Search. Cause if they are throwing down on streets in the USA. I need to know.

Against State Fascism and State Capitalism
Which is known as Communism.
Freedom comes from one's own thoughts not the force of the party lead.

As long as I ride we shall see if the Fascist Communist single party enslavers wish to discriminate against Democracy and those like me and the artist who fight against and dissent against power in the countries their forefathers and mothers left. I hope I can fight a good fight for everyone in the courts.

As far as I am concerned if they place that rag around my mouth physically, they better kill me too.

Rider I

How book writing and article writing to fascist is like murder.

Howe a king or a Communist Fascist Socalist Single Party can say that an article or a book, is worth imprisoning somebody for the same amount of time that someone gets for manslaughter is beyond me. I mean, if you dislike the King or the CCP, you might as well just kill somebody, cause if you try and do it peacefully you get in as just as much trouble. You know that is a joke so do not go doing it. However, it is funny how true it is. The point is that there is something really wrong with that issue. I mean if I go to CCP land with their countries in one, soon to be four. I mean they will arrest and through away the key. So much so I will have to have snuck in pretty Democratic ladies to sneek me about, sneeky sneeky.

Rider I

I told that fellar

That the lost of jobs to the Communist Chinese is way worse than all the spending we do in our overhead and that he should look into that if he is the new young buck in the crowd. Our job loss is our most expensive debt, spending and negative overhead. However, no one can place it on the balance sheet, because they have not the I of the Lion Rider's able to dissect with a fearce ability. 

I am going to call this Ryan Fellow, and speak my mind.

I mean I keep hearing all this about this fellar, and his budget. However, in his budget I have not heard how his cuts or even keeps are going to create enough jobs to balance the deficit, like my budget does, and the Great Society renewed legislation's of my arse kicking self hells bells.

Rider I

Let's see equality in decency.

Since I think folks come and look at my cite.

So then that means Baidu and SOSO and Yadoa all are conspiring against me to defame my cite buy lying about it. Then they are not properly following laws of equality or equity in decency to allow equivalent decency tests. For example, if a Communist cite that specifically calls itself militant and has specific documents saying free market and Democracy crisis are necessary and a good thing, then explains that in detail, is allowed through then one would think mine should. Which just tries to defend against Communist Perception. Along with that, if a full book explaining how to destroy free countries is allowed through one would think a website that basically shows how to not destroy a country and help them share their wealth and resources with the world to balance the economy. Along with that if Baidu allows in things that are illegal in Communist China like porn. However, through ideas of equity of liquidity does not allow my cite through because it will harm Communist Chinese SOE's lobbyist the Chinese American's point of views. Then that is not equality. As if they allow porn through which is illegal but then say they can't allow this cite through which is illegal in China. That is a lie. Also if they can allow through songs about killing babies and shooting folks in the head a full blow movies that blow up the white house and show all of our deepest secrets in our movies, like you know us Democracy Republic type folks, we just tell you to f off to your face through open source, cause we believe naturally the folks should know because this is the US's folks country not the elitists.

Therefore, if we see the test as similar indecent things being allowed. In we see that well they are not following that. If the Baidu allows in things that say Taiwan is part of Communist China but does not allow in things that say it is not part of it. Then well not equality of decency. As there are American's and lots of Taiwanese that think that is just as indecent as the opposing idea.

This goes for the idea of allowing in the BPP but not allowing in the NZP. That would not be equality to not allow in the scared cats. Simply stated in the USA if unless you just block the whole idea of Taiwan from your search engine you have no defense to discriminate against other's opposing ideas. That is because you operate a public entity that serves all as per Daniel v Paul. In which then means as per tone of skin, tone of religion or tone of politics one has to not discriminate. It is the same idea with News agencies. If you allow in one side you should have a proper debate with the opposing side. The differences is huge though between a News agency and a search engine. Their operations are very different. A search engine is to search everything. A news agency is based on things that their owner thinks is news. Which means if the one incident is more news worthy than the other then that is ok. However, in a search engine, there is no single style objective point of view in the main operation of the search engine.

So we could see then based on an objective view point of the different operations of the entities that one like a search engine which shows everything in the world except for a few discriminating things, is very different from a news source that shows a very few things that it wishes to highlight. Search engines show trillions of things. In which a news company at best shows maybe a few thousand. Very different in scope. That case is going to be a great one for judicial opinion and precedent. I am sure this will set a milestone in free speech, and probable get my life kicked back to the stone ages via the media. Who cares I love to fight fascist with free speech.

However, in the case of defamation. One could see that if a News cite, was to get on the tv or radio and then say that when folks call in to hear about my cite that they say it does not exist, that they would be defaming my cite and entity as per lying. However, if they properly worded it legally to help folks understand better that the cite just does not carry this opinion then maybe it could be seen. Then again, my cause of action of equality in decency will battle with OTO's power, like a Titan. It is my steeple, and my new weapon against fascism, equality in decency. If you allow such then such should be allowed if it is equivalent. With a proper scope if such allows a vast wide range of such.

Rider I

Is having hatred towards Fascist illegal?

Again I would not even say I hate them. Nor have I really dissected their whole country like they have of the US and written a book on how to split the CCP's hold into three different countries and I would not do that. As I think that would be upsetting. As the CCP's China Dream via unrestricted warfare directed towards the USA as an open society of intelligence threat, to other belligerent nations I believe is indecent. So now where do I break down my full 700 pages of how to tear the CCP apart. As a matter of fact not one single page has hit the open source. As again, I want them to be secure and their people happy. I just do not like the idea of fascism. So much so as to well 700 pages baby.

Rider I
So if they allow that book on Baidu that shows how to destroy countries like the USA, in an Anarchist cook book mentality. Would it not be equality in decency to allow mine book which from compared to the shadow book is a complete kitten. This is a kitten compared to what I could do. I will not though. Of course then again, maybe I should just shut this kitten down if the court finds I have no case for defamation of breaking of equality in decency and just rebut their China Dream Unrestricted warfare book. In how to break apart Fascist countries. Which all I would have to do is dig it out of the old aquafier storage bin and good to go.

Equality in Decency or otherwise known as Equity in Decency.

The idea that all things that are concerned with public should be considered through equality is a major US point. Along with that the idea that one can use equity in decency to for go one thing for the other is not legal in my unprofessional mind. This would say that, if you owned a store and it was operated in the public view, and everyone was allowed in with no special pass or hand shake or secret song, or some kind of special invisible tattoo of an owl. Then you can't discriminate. For example, lets say in the store for some reason it is found that if you only allow a certain color tone of folks in and it makes the store more beneficial. Then you can't go and then exclude them because it creates more liquid-able equity in your business. You can't do that sht, mo fo. Which means if you do not have some kind of special inked tattoo on your bum that says f fascist then your ok cause the store does not need that to get in. This should be the same idea for a search engine. I mean that's only equality at its finest. I mean how is Baidu supposed to see my special invisible tattoo's. They can't. So then they are committing an illegal crime against me in my own country. Because, with the Extremist Muslims looking up folks skirts for their virginity tests, with the Communist arresting anyone who wants to debate on the side of democracy. I mean if I even tried to travel in international vacation with my kilt on I would go to jail for a long time. Lord knows I am a sinner.

Rider I

I'm not going no where. I mean there is a Muslims church down the street from my house. I am afraid to wear my kilt sometimes. They might try and get frisky. I should be able to feel safe and not discriminated against in my own country; and Baidu is causing me major anger and also scaring me, with their fascist three conspiracy to lie about my website. Which is defamation of my character and person, they are lieing and do not even have a good second hand lion defenses about it. I mean I must be on a list like a mile long in the international community. Arrest the Rider I if he gets off the plane in your country for being a Democracy advocate. He will  create evil freedom in your country, arrest him right now. Kiss my arse fascist, you can play with my apache and my M20 in the hills.

That is right above the brasses. 

Monday, May 30, 2011

Happy Memorial Day.

To all things that need to be memorialized. May the memories be sweet and the ideas of those past great things be excellent.

Rider I

Um she wont let me get rid of her. I tried so hard, I mean, she called me like four times today saying she can't let me go. Which I do not understand, she dates other people and it tears me up inside. Along with that, she has gone past the point of my trust via hurting me in my time of most need which was my collegiate competitions. So um I do not know what to do. I need to stop hanging out with her, as it is stopping me from moving forward. However, she will not let me, and women are the most scariest thing in the world to me, cause I do not understand them, nor understand how to strategize them, I just can't get them. I could not have babies with her and I know she could not be trusted to busy her self on a farm without being unloyal and causing my inner need for monogamy which would hurt the children through a divorce. I can't do that. As a matter of fact I ruined my straight A's because she kept hurting me by being unloyal but not letting me go and be. I do not understand women, I just don't get it.

Along with that I need someone who does not peck at me for my constant wishing to read and write. That is what I like to do. This is even worse than when I was a teenager. When all I wanted to do was work out all day long. Then I had like four of them that would not leave me alone. I mean I would tell them that I wanted to be with this one and they would all still not leave me alone. Now, it is like I just have one and she will not let me go. All I want to do is read and write, if someone can't deal with that and stop peck at me for that then that does not work. As it makes my insides hurt when I have to hear somebody talking all down on me just for reading and writing. Been four years, I can't figure it out. This is worth than trying to figure out how to further the teleportation equation into a time travel equation.


I need to call some more first amendment attorneys.
I am saying goodbye to my bests friend as she likes to travel in the international scene and I think my critiziation of the Communist Chinese may imped on her dreams to travel. Even though she does not know why. Then I have to study for my motorcycle tests, and clean the jeep as some folks want pictures of it.. I hope I sell it as this is my last insurance check them I am out of funds. Oh yes, I also have to get rid of my phone too. So I will be completely avoid of all materialistic things. Except for my study. I am going to miss my best friend. 4 years of fighting and hanging out. The problem is that I want a ranch and a lot of children and she wants to travel. I am not much for travel. Along with that I have to get into grad school and I could not stand a women constantly telling me she is mad at me because I can't afford to travel, or watching her date others while I know how I feel. So all in all tomorrow is going to be a hard day. I have tried this one before. However, this time I am getting rid of my phone because I can't afford it through grad schools. So it should be easier.

Rider I

Um I mean, I know how the Communist Chinese are with people who speak out against them. I mean they will not even allow me on their search engines. So I know if I go to a country that is under Communist satellite I am sure I will get picked up. However, as she has nothing to do with this nor does she even know. She can find another male friend and go have fun. Sometimes a person just has to do what they think is right as long as it is peaceful and proper like. 

How the Principle of lost jobs on a debt balance sheet makes IE more competitive.

The basic idea in international economics is that trade should be equitable and fair. This means if one country trades to one country for such and such a time. In anti trust laws that country then has to allow the other country to regain the trade to pay of the bills. Which means, in all reality there should be a constant growth and decline in surpluses. Instead of a constant incline in some countries surpluses and a constant decline in others. Therefore, to get his principle of IE sharing to hold strong. We need to code the templates of balance sheets.

As such, what we see is the idea of a mutiplict reserve system allows for a floating currency. In this floating currency we can see that the underdeveloped countries get to develop by being able to produce products at a cheaper rate. In which then replaces the country that previously had the lower currency and allows that countries surplus to lower as the necessary element of the next is developed. We would have to see this principle play out first to actually see the necessary LJDB principle play out. However, we should see this principle playing out between developed countries, like Communist China and the USA.

First we have to show what a developed country is. A developed country is a country in which it can provide for each of its citizens either by possibility of ability to produce or producing. So as we currently see the USA could easily create enough jobs via proper trade tariffs to produce for its citizens, it is developed. Along with that the Communist Chinese have enough surplus stored up in SOE's and SOE banks along with currency reserves that if they had a free market that was not ~56% owned by the Communist Chinese government. We could see that they are also developed. However, they just store their reserves for international contract bidding via illegal Cartel recapitalizing, that forces their SOE banks and other entities to inflate their economy and have very bad banking sheets.

So if we see via possible ability and ability to provide for all that they two countries in question are developed. We then move into the idea of how a lossed job category on the debt balance sheet will create a fairer competition via international trade anti trust laws. This is because if the two do a proper amount of trade with developing countries. We could also see the necessary element of market creation for the developed countries to trade in a incline decline surplus with each other. This would mean that we would have to create a single country to country balance sheet in economic trade. Which is very easy to do.

Therefore, once we have the proper economic balance sheet of economy between two countries. We take a look at see if the job losses or gains are on the balance sheet. I am guessing you will not see it. As I have done the calculations via my principle of MEI, and from what I have heard they are not there. As such, we then see if the proper calculations are done it will drive up the debt to surplus ration between a country. As such, instead of seeing things as a small number that is no threat to an economy The real number will be seen. The reason why the real number is so important is that jobs are the root of the economy. If the root is not properly being calculated then a country can't properly place international pressure or local pressure to regain its balance and surplus. In which would mean, instead of the USA being 2 million jobs in debt to the CCP, if my principle was used we would be placing much more international clout on them to expand their domestic market instead of constantly creating pressure for their SOE's to expand their international markets. Which would then mean that the it would benefit the world as a whole As the CCP would have to be checked to be more competitive. While the other countries would have a chance to gain international market shares so they could grow and expand in close proximity to those in the developing graduation class.

The reason for this is the countries economists would not be able to lie and say that the loss of jobs is not that big a thing. Therefore, we would see more realistic truths in economics. As such, the countries legislature would place more pressure on the Communist Chinese to allow the USA to regain its lost jobs that are creating a massive debt loss in the USA. As the ability of a country to have a surplus means its ability to have a good growth rate. This is because growth is mainly done through surplus. Therefore, instead of seeing the Communist Chinese build the worlds biggest dams, computers, complete computer cities, and bubble green cities. We would see other countries building roads, and schools and security to help them stop their poverty.

However, currently we see a very uncompetitive international economic macro outlook. We see the USA with the worlds worst account balances, along with job losses. We see the Bric that should be developing at a higher rate stunted by a country that is much richer than them. While we see countries that need jobs going without. This is all because of a simple economic accounting principle not being realized.  Which means the whole idea of job loss would have to be recalculated and proper dealt with instead of some graph or chart that  is not placed on the accounting sheet. That is used primarily for a single vote, it would be there every day and every night. In which would force folks to do something about it. As a simple job loss graph can be placed away or not remembered once the legislative presentation is done in the hall. However, if it is on the balance sheet, it will stress the economists. Which means that it will place proper stress on the legislatures to properly deal with the matter.

Rider I

New Accounting Principal.

I believe again my belief. I have been out of school and practice of school for some time. As such, I believe that the idea of placing the loss of jobs on a debt balance sheet is not normally done in an individual business setting. However, in a state craft in a more macro sense of fair competitive economy. I can see where it is necessary to keep track of elements of anti trust laws in international markets to place the loss of jobs on a debt balance sheet.

This is primarily because in international anti trust laws. The trading countries have to have a resemble element to be allowed to gain the jobs back, so as to pay off their trade deficit which causes internal deficits. Internal deficits are caused by the loss of jobs that create enough foreign treasure transfer to pay for the internal over head. So if we take the idea that the loss of jobs is a major impact to countries macro economy. It would hold true that a country could not just off sheet the loss of jobs, like a normal smaller business would do.

This new tool for fighting international greed and centralization of wealth, would also be good for a proper realization of the leaders. As a countries credit level shrinks it would be more realistically tied to the ability to create liquidable trade instead of the cloud economics of financing and inflation. As such, as trade that bring in new foreign treasure creates a surplus for the inner balance sheet, to pay the over head. The principle would be that a proper nexus between deficit expenditures and loss of jobs would be calculated instead of some how being lost in time and space.

Rider I
I think in the rough and nude my principle holds true to country macro international economic debt balance sheets as applied to foreign countries.

What is 5150


Is one somebody gets something stuck in their head that it becomes the weight of the world. It is well documented in military apparatus in which causes a wall syndrome. This is because the solider gets somebody stuck in their mind so much that they can't think about anything except for seeing them. That is what I have. It is not a illness, nor is a problem per se. Great scholars have had 5150. Tesla himself was 5150 for time travel. I have that to the bone. The idea of being able to fly in space and be able to watch my children fly their space mobiles in space is driving me crazy. I see the Communist Chinese as the man root of the fear. In which they will if allowed to take power force all humans to be stuck to a State Capitalist system. Where it is almost impossible to spread the wealth via small business and medium business. This is because corporations will become way to big, as SOE's are allowed to grow and expand. This will mean that such things as an individual owning enough market shares via their production of a business, to create space mobiles will not happen. The idea of seeing my children in their space mobiles as I teach them how to drive in outer space, or watching my children sit on my lap as I teach them to navigate space in our own individual mobile is my 5150. As such when somebody is 5150, they have to find a way to solve the problem. For me it is an intricate set of equations in which I must accomplish.

 First and foremost I must make sure the Communist Chinese allow the spread of resources and production to other nations that are not in the current neo mercantilism. Then I must make sure that the Communist Chinese stop concentrating so much on foreign affairs and SOE conquest. This is only done legally by creating a proper opposition and competition that can check and balance their international economic power. Thus, the only legal way I can do that is by making sure the USA can regain her strength to start to re spread the international wealth of resources and value across the world. She can only do that if she can gain a surplus economy. Because we can then again create another opposition to the great neo mercantalist. In which when Britain become neo mercantalist, we created Japan, when Japan become neo mercanaalist we created China. Now I have to turn to the next developmental cycle. Which is currently up in the air on who ever helps mother the most to regain her strength. So we can redivy out her love and tinder care again.

However, I think I would like to do a multiplicity of building this time. So we do not have to go through the last three empire buildings detriments. As such, I have to re-figure the wheel by using all the old games in which we unipolarly created a major opposition to mother. As such, I believe I can spread the old wheel out and use the same basic idea, of political and economic pressure to create free markets. In which we could then see instead of one major country being shifted up, a whole spread of countries gaining wealth. Then again, that is only if I can get mother to regain her strength through a surplus. As, as long as Communist China stays as powerful in centralized wealth and resources. I will not be able to spread the international economy out. Also, the Communist Chinese are inable to do this, as we have seen through their interactions with the Bric. The major problem, is that the USA never really meant to do these things. It is just the idea of the US legislatures placing so much thought and process into one country. In which I see as archaic and bad game my  dear old school leaders. I think the new generation will be able to handle more and muti task much more efficiently with multiple countries. Like we did with the Germany, Russian and Communist Chinese building.

The problem then becomes, how to do this. I know that the monster at the table has to be tamed. So that is where my 5150 lays. I can't stop thinking about that issue. As I have not yet been able to solve how I will be able to properly and legally get the Communist Chinese to allow the spread of resources and wealth to other nations, via a production cycle of positive income. As I know in their heart they wish to dominate the world. However, the dominator is the one who wishes not to dominate but to see everyone being able to compete fairly against her. Now shifting gears in a major free market and Democracy is one of the hardest things to do. I mean folks get this idea that a unipolar trade deficit is a good thing and they just can't stop. I mean most every single business entity in the world, thinks the Communist market is the bees knees. Which is not true.

The truth is that the real market is a mutiplict market of real developing countries. In which the Communist market becomes an opposition market. As the idea of penetrating them leaves out ways to develop other countries.  As such that means that there it leaves no country with the ability to check and balance the current massive build up of international wealth and resources in the Communist Chinese.

As such, we then see the Bric being used to further help the Communist Chinese take a hold of the world wealth. This is primarily because they are being used against each other in so as to stop opposition to the Communist Chinese. As such, the Communist then use them in declaring war to stop the free market's from being able to stop the Communist Chinese from hording the worlds wealth and resources. This then means that major countries in the world are all working against each other to allow the Communist Chinese to further develop their centralized SOE resource and wealth.

This then means instead of seeing a proper spread of wealth via all countries anticompetitive behavior against each other in good faith. We start to see blocs and brics being created just to survive the centralization of wealth and resources being allowed by the Bric as the Communist wish it. This anti competitive behavior can then be traced back to the Soviets when they did the same thing, as the Communist Chinese are now doing in the Bric.

The basic idea then was to create a single world currency. Then to create a union of countries that could oppose them and really cause a threat via ability to develop market space at a higher rate than them. In which they could easily use their current status as centralized resource and wealth to control their only opposition. Instead of allowing for proper competition and fair contractual deals. We have seen the Communist Chinese use such deals to squander resources from the Bric as, bribery, political corruption, and cartel activity with a massive amount of SOE's working together to create uncompetitive behavior even for those countries in the same level as them. Which the use of such illegal activities has sky rocketed the Communist Chinese way above and far beyond the Bric itself. However, the Communist Chinese like the Soviets need to keep control of the Bric. This is because if they lose their control. The USA and free markets can start with the sharing behavior. Which is primarily done through forcing fair competition and proper opposition.

As such, if the USA and free markets can't force the proper developing countries to go against the Communist Chinese who currently have an illegal ownership of over 90% of the worlds resources, and massive uncompetitive SOE cartels. Then we will see a similar affect to what happened in the Soviet Union. We will see the Communist Chinese taking all of the free trade contracts and gaining more market shares for more wealth than the Bric is allowed to gain. This will again be done by their current status as world resource and wealth holder. As such, will be used in very aggressive and extremely hostile acts against the Bric if they do not follow what they seek to be done via their requests of the Bric. This should be checked to see if my theory is true by easily showing the amount of free trade contracts and production units as compared to the supposed same developing countries in the Bric. If I am correct I believe the Communist like the Soviets did, have a much higher FTA, and production output than the Bric and maybe even a couple of the Bric's placed together.

We will then see further acts of aggression where the CCP acts exactly like the Soviets did by constantly harrasing the US's foreign policy with regards to economic values. As such, we have seen these actions already. In which during the crash the CCP spent all of its energy on the idea that it was the USA's fault. When there was much more reliance on Communist market places than there was the USA. This behavior is exactly like the Soviets. Furthermore, we will see the CCP using the Bric to stop the ability of the USA to gain enough contracts to balance its budgets. This will be done by the CCP stating that it is not them that is greedy but the USA. Which will be false. As the USA has barely enough exports to produce for its own surpluss. In which all the Bric nations have major surpluses. Then the CCP will uses those surpluses for its own advantage. In which it will know that it has to dwindle it's possible competition's surpluses and somehow gain their treasure reserves to stop them from becoming a possible check and balance. This again is very similar to the Soviets. However, except for my theory of the FTA's and production units. We will not see the full blown CCP treasure raiding until they feel they have enough power of the USA. As even with the Bric declaring cold war on us. We will still step in once the CCP gets very bullish like the Soviets did.

The idea of the Cold war and the Soviets is simple. The so is so did idea is similar if you dissect the Soviets major actions and take out the idea of free enterprises. In which we can see, that the Soviets where able to get the Bloc last time to create a full scale war against US and free market multiplicity of currency reserves. Which in itself is the main act of declaration of cold war. The declaration of a Cold war is not necessarily that they are trying to hurt as. As when they stop using our currency reserves it will hopefully weaken our values so we can trade more. It is more the idea of the big bully bullying the little ones to believe that they are correct. This idea upsets the USA and its free market and Democracies very much. As the idea of freedom is based on a fair competitive competition and not a coercive coalition of countries working against each other with anger towards a specific one. This then means that the CCP was able to get the Bric to believe that it was the USA's fault. In which again, as the CCP owns the majority of the worlds reserves and production. Along with the majority of trade. We can see that it would be almost impossible for the USA to be whole at fault for the economic collapse.

Then then mainly use the idea of cloud economics. Which is primarily liquidity and stocks. As the idea of financing is the only game left when a country or idea is under economic warfare. Which is what is happening to all those countries that believe in a free market. This can be shown if you look at their rate of GDP in production and exports as compared to services. If you then take a look at their imports and own sovereignty of economics. Most all of the free markets have major balance sheet issues with a specific country in the world.

I did a new economic calculation which places the job and resource debt on balance sheet for debts. If this is used we can then see that the Marshallian economic principle is held true. As the MEI principle is based on the natural law that economics is just the management of ones surroundings. Which means that all debt via all economic holdings of the foreign entity are taken in. As such, the loss of jobs and the loss of demand for resources via the lost jobs should also be placed on sheet. If we then do this we will see a realistic idea of how much debt each country is into the Communist Chinese for.

My example is rough however, it creates the necessary outline for a proper research committee on the matter.
The idea is you take the lost jobs to a center country. Then you subtract the gained jobs. Then one takes the resource demand for the lost jobs. As such, one finds out the calculation of the necessary elements in war time if we need to regain these contracts and how much it could cost, and then in peace time in which we currently have to spend for not having any contracts. Which is a little bit harder to do. The idea of lost resources via demand as per lost jobs. Is not easy to calculate how much that can costs. However, as I am not a PHD I am sure that there is a necessary military element. Which could be anything from such things as quotas placing higher rates all the way to the price we could get it at home from the price we could get it abroad if the lost jobs where still here and the demand for resources, was still relevant then costing less for military applications. Very complex. As such, I will just stick with the job debt loss.

So we take the idea that we have lost 2 million jobs to the Communist Chinese. Which we then off sheeted improperly. As those jobs have become a debt, that need to be repaid. The reason why they are a debt is because the loan payment for that debt is the payment of goods from the lost jobs, in which the interest is the cost of lost skills, demand for resources, and taxes that where created by this job. So if we take a simplier example as again, I am not on the proper pay scale to the algo's for the necessary complex elements. We can see that if we lose  2 million jobs and the necessary gain of taxes at a full scale spend or allowance of savings in the bank. Which means we can see a dollar per dollar tax level. We then just take the full amount of the lost jobs pay. So if we take each job lost at a very rough element of  ~$38,000 we can see the lost jobs cost the USA about 76 trillion dollars. However, of course we have gained some jobs back. Which I have already calculated out of the equation. So if there was 2.5 million jobs and we have gained that amount in similar value creation back Then we have no need to calculate those.

The idea is rough. However, I know that it needs to happen. Jobs and resources should not just dissapear off the assets and liability sheet. I mean, in reality a job is lost because the assets sheet goes down and the liabities sheet stays the same. Which means one has to then properly balance the sheet by off sheeting the job. However, in a country it is not the same way. As we loss jobs not because we have a higher liability. But because we are not able to compete. Which means, that job just can't be off sheeted. As there is a citizen who still needs a job. The problem then becomes, the necessary element to hold the proper anti trust laws to a certain country that one is dealing with. If a country is allowed to have no proper holding of jobs taken then the country and the country doing business with. Have no real way to see how fair the trade is. Except for trade deficit. However, if the jobs where allowed to stay on the liability sheet as a debt for that country. We could then see exactly how fair the trade is between that country.

In which, we would be able to see that the USA is with regards to our current debt 400% in debt to the Communist Chinese. This means if the CCP was to allow the USA to regain all of its lost jobs. The USA would be at level of surplus.

So then we can see that most of the free countries have not grasped this idea. As no one holds accountable the Communist for taken their jobs. In which then showing a proper calculation via the debt owed to have them returned. This then would show that not only does the USA have to pay for the stocks that have taken but they also have to pay for the jobs that have been taken too. Which is a more realistic debt calculation.
The basic idea would be then that the US is in a serious debt crisis. In which most countries just take in the stock and other financial debt. However, they do not take into account the root economic debt. Which is jobs and resources.

I think the idea of placing jobs on a countries debt balance sheet would be a great thing. The economc paper itself I believe would win a noble peace prize. As this could hold countries more accountable to play fair. The reason why it would be more accountable to play fair is we would see a lot less of what we are seeing today with the Communist Chinese. Which is the constant give me give me. As the idea would then be a country would see its debt ratio and say we can't give you anymore we are in substantial debt to you and we need to pay that off. In which like happens when something goes into debt. That would force a power to wish to gain more jobs. As such, placing more pressure on that country to expand its domestic market place to create a balanced trade sheet between the two. Instead of what we see today. Which is the Communist Chinese want every-bodies value from stocks, to jobs to taxes. In which they then have a hard time properly regiving back those values. As they then wish to instead of properly allow imports. They wish to create more exports via their companies and resources. So as to create an idea that we are gaining jobs. However, those jobs are attacked to a moving algorithm of the actual resources that are being shipped in at the costs of our treasure that is being shipped out to purchase the resource. Instead of having those resources owned by a US company and refilitering the value back into the USA. In which the job creation by a foreign company exporting its company into a country as an import to the country that lost the jobs. Would not be able to properly place that created job on the balance sheet without a minus calculation attached to it of the moving algorithmic of lost capital of the accumulated jobs as a whole and the resource exp indentures.

Thus meaning that a normal algo without the proper resource expenditures would not be able to be allowed. Furthermore, there could be also a whole corporate accounting. As when whole corporations are off sheeted it is the same idea. We have lost a corporation and its main earning potential as a tax producer. As such, until the US can regain a corporation and its net surplus of treasure held domestically that would also be a debt too.

This is very good I think i could make somebody famous if they further this idea.

Rider I
Maybe if my service bell curve lead of the boom bust idea is rejected for my Macro analysis of international economic relations. I can do this one instead. I think that doing a macro movement of jobs on a debt sheet analysis would be very cool and maybe even a way to create a more competitive international economy.