Rider I
This is an unprofessional Collection cite. That wishes for Speech and Debate with Regards to the topics collected and Special Libraried. I wish for defense of Fair Use Doctrine, not for profit, educational collection.
"The new order was tailored to a genius who proposed to constrain the contending forces, both domestic and foreign, by manipulating their antagonisms" "As a professor, I tended to think of history as run by impersonal forces. But when you see it in practice, you see the difference personalities make." Therefore, "Whenever peace-concieved as the avoidance of war-has been the primary objective of a power or a group of powers, the international system has been at the mercy of the most ruthless member" Henry Kissinger
The World market crashed. There was complete blame from the worlds most ruthless power on the world's most protective and meditational power. So I responded with: "We must now face the harsh truth that the objectives of communism [The Communist Chinese Party's (CCP) Economic Espionage Units called the MSS] are being steadily advanced because many of us do not recognize the means used to advance them. ... The individual is handicapped by coming face to face with a Conspiracy so monstrous she or he cannot believe it exists. The American mind simply has not come to a realization of the evil which has been introduced into our midst" Therefore, like Dr. John Nash would probable think: This is because of our lost state craft of tracing scientific coding in the intelligence community of the algorithmic code of the Communist espionage agents. As "The Communist [CCP's economic espionage units called the MSS] threat from without must not blind us to the Communist [CCP's economic espionage units called the MSS] threat from within. The latter is reaching into the very heart of America through its espionage agents and a cunning, defiant, and lawless communist party, which is fanatically dedicated to the Marxist cause of world enslavement and destruction of the foundations of our Democracy/Republic." J. Edgar Hoover. Which allows the Communist to shape the future and powers that be. As "Our citizens and our future citizens cannot share properly in shaping the future unless we understand the present, for the raw material of events to come is the knowledge of the present and what we make it"
Lieutenant General Leslie R. Groves
Saturday, June 25, 2011
CCP and MSS Here is what I am saying
Rider I
The degredation of the US's economy. A CCP MSS plot
I do not think they are really going to do that. I am almost thirty years old. Spent most of my life in a rock band, school, and working in little crudy shops god love the owners's trying. I just can't stand that I know this so well. However, I can't figure out how to properly cognition it to gain funding so I can do it professional. I have become vulgar, tired, upset, am in the last minutes right before as the SOE's are entering into ID, IN, MA, and I can't do anything, except sit here and collect and send out half witted letters. I have sold everything, nobody will hired me I am pretty sure I am black balled by now. However, truly to this nature it does not matter to me. I will write till I die to stop fascist centralization of wealth and power. I am tired I have been up for a long time. I am wining, I guess that is why I am here. However, I am try the best I can with what I got, which is not a lot. I am from a rough type. I can see it, so clear, it is being in purgatory. Where I see everything but can't do anything. I am trying, I am doing everything I can. I have to wait five more days to get my motorcycle. Then I am going to go talk to folks and see if I can set up meetings to get MEI started.
Rider I
I would like to write this for all the folks that might read my cite.
Again, I state I love President Obama, I lean to the Republicans, but he is my Chief and Commander and trust me, Unions destroyed the Soviets and Communist empire before by forcing jobs to stay here. No Patry without our temples consent has allowed in any SOE'. As such, all directing is to the DIA's.
Thank you
Please love and respect your leaders. It is not their fault for what they do.
These bases being sold, where used to fight against Soviet SOE cartel and resource hoarding. Our Intelligence did not replenish them. So two possible puppets of the CCP and MSS through a still tracing algo gave away our new high technological stimulus. That is analogous to the nuclear and physics departments that create our last newest high technological industrial boom.
This is real this is happening. Alot of these bases where old Cold war intelligence bases for industries against Communist SOE cartels. They are being sold. Unless I can change it.
These are areas that are being lobbied heavily by CCP and MSS agents to allow their SOE's to take over our countries economy, resources, and market place, exactly like they have pretty much done in the international market place.
Rider I
Again, our last real President who fought against Communist SOE's was President Bush Senior, Jr, Clinton and Obama have all been given advice to give into the Communist SOE's cartel systems. Which is bad. They are thinking that by doing that they will destroy the party via made free markets. It is not working, they are just enriching the CCP, and now allowing them to do what the Soviets did with their SOE's. However, the CCP and MSS is doing it internationally instead of locally so there will be no defenses against it. As it is easier to dominate close by than far away. We need to wake up or literally the USA will become a Soviet style satellite to the CCP and MSS.
That is why I have a full investigation Aspin style of all DIA's and councilors of any every contacts to the MSS and CCP, via their international Communist party affiliates. As they wish to destroy us in some warped idea of a mono culture mono world, in which the CCP and MSS hold the worlds resources, and power, and everyone else is subordinate.
I predicted this two years ago. When I stated the next step in the CCP and MSS cycle is forcing our bases via debt ridden country to be sold off. In which their SOE's would invade and replace.
You can say what every you want red scare or you can't do that. I am sorry there is no logic in this world that should say the USA should be subordinate to teh CCP and MSS and their mono culture. This is logic Democracy and free markets spread wealth and power better than the MSS and CCP's fascist world economic warfare domination. It is reality the CCP and MSS did destroy the worlds market via neo mercantilism acts. In which they are now stating that it is the best for everybody to allow their SOE's to have free trade zones in other countries. In which they have chose the path of most resistance. Especially since we are so weak and feeble with the cognition in our DOD. Reality is check their FTA's and Free trade zone patterns. It is real and logical. Sorry, there is no logic that states the worlds should be subordinate to a single party rule.
Specific Pin point application for nano tech bugs from the MSS and CCP.
Other places are the cornie. This is usually lives a small red dot in the eye. In which the nano tech bug is left. Along with that other CCP areas is in the butt. Which funnily in all victims of the KGB as Micheal noted along with others, creates scar tissue. As the butt is the most moved around area. Other places are the hand, as they want to know when you are typing. Along with this numerous pressure areas can be detected.
All except the hand, butt and eye, are not detectable. In which this allows the CCP and MSS to have a complete scan of their body as they move through life. As such, they use them like live collection tools in every day life.
That is what is believed to have been Taken out of Hugo Chavez as we try and explain Democracy and Free markets to him as the CCP and MSS have used and abused his country. Sad but somebody had to show him the light.
This points are areas of worry when Foreign Leaders go to CCP and MSS Mainland or Satellite countries. In which they have checks. As their technology still leaves small spider, or mosquito type injection areas.
Simply stated think about it we had the technology you are seeing now in micro chips in our intelligence agencies a long time ago. We have been able to create the very bug itself a bug, for a long time, this is all public information. However, nobody thinks about it, or even analysis it.
The best part is the brain washing stuff they have. Which is basically nano speakers. That are placed in folks ears. I have posted on those one's before.
That is the funniest part about this the UN and the WTO are saying they are a developing country. However, we are lagging behind on high technology as compared to them. The main problem is social codeing and algorthmic economic warfare. The Soviet Union where way ahead of us in sound and air technology. The CCP is also way ahead of us in that too. The main thing is our inability to gain enough public information on the MSS and their actions. Mainly because we concentrate so much on the puppets that we have seen basic MSS agents doing much worse things pass right in front of whole collection teams. Also, I have found documents, ah I mean um, it is believed they have brain reading technology. Which is simply stated works like a cd player. In which the brain emets eletrical output. As each memory or thought or input from senses is an eletrical sensation. As such, the documents, I mean theory is that they can actually read folks brains and thoughts.
So then we get down to simple social coding and economic warfare. If both teams have to operate out in the open. It is a matter of logic. Where we won with the Soviet Union. The idea that creating genocide to stop genocide, or that one country should own the worlds market place and centralize the international market place is where we won last time. However, I see no game play on that matter. Along with that we are now in the phase in which we where able to stop the Soviets. However, instead of the CCP doing in next to home as the easy prey. The CCP is gaining access via their massive cartel led CCP and MSS owned via their centralized board of the SASAC. Which will then allow them to centralized domestic market places to their single party too.
As such, I am trying. I do not know what the Hell our intelligence in this country thinks. But I am trying.
Rider I
Here is what the MSS things possibly from one of my favorite video tapes. They think the US people are to powerful and that we should allow a single fascist party to rule all. Which to me is stupid, again with the logic issue.
I mean what?
I mean look at me. I have no money, clothes smell bad almost out of donated coffee and smokes. But hell, I can still put a mean intelligence battle through this cite. I love Democracy, love it.
Rider I
CCP and MSS and the Green Technological weaponizing espionage game.
Rider I
I wonder if nuclear technology is comparable to high tech green technology, with earthquake, tsumani, tornado, and natural disasters that are created by high tech green technology.
80% of our green tech stimulus went to Communist areas of the world. I wonder why? mmm
Communist China's Vice President is always on trips to find them trade.
Rider I
I want to know how we can stop the MSS and CCP from running the gauntlet on us during Election year. There has got to be somebody from our side that can run against them while our tribes debate it out.
Communist Chinese use SOE's to dominate the world and implement their SOE's for single party control.
Rider I
I am hungry.
Friday, June 24, 2011
The International Accomplice to Genocide law will do the same thing that accomplice to crime law has done.
As such, we can see that no law is necssarily needed to remove the CCP and MSS from the UN's DESA Economic Development Chair. Just a fair vote on the facts and morals of how they have abused their privelege in the chair. They are helping genocide and are allowing genocide. With the logic that if they help genocide that will stop it. They are further destryong economies with their SOE's and cartel actions. In which they have signed world trade organization documents and international documents that they would not do that. They are bullying the smaller countries around them that have nothing. So they can gain more than 97% of the worlds rare earth resources and other resources. Their actions are similar to that of the party dictators that came before them. As the German Socailist party specifically picked on religous groups that had major voting power. The Communist Chinese pick on the Falun Gong and do not allow them to act as normal citizens as they have almost the same number of Falun Gong as the CCP and MSS do party members. They are acting with impunity for countries sovereignty, exactly like the Soviets did. In which they are using their Massive SOE's to take jobs, taxes, resources and destroy intra commerce in countries. So they then can move in their SOE's to that area, exactly like the Soviets did. Along with these matters, we can see that the further insult to Democracy and freedom in the world was the CCP completely not helping any country remove terrorists camps from the international community. In which after the US went in to gather Osama Bin Laden. We saw the CCP and MSS immediately fortified the other terrorists camps by expediting 50 jet air planes and other things.
As such, I see no reason for such a country to hold such a position. When countries like Germany, Brazil, India, and others are not trying to dominate the world and use their MSS intelligence PLA military, and SOE's to do so.
Rider I
I seek the redress as an international free speech advocate. I would like the CCP and MSS to step down for the UN DESA Chair as Economic Development Monitors. As they are using it as a cloak for economic warfare.
This is logic
Rider I
Logic Communist China act exactly like Soviets, wish for mono culture, mono world power, and not for Democracy through power sharing of all cultures and proper fair trade with root power of resources being spread among all nations. Like Democracy and free market end game. Marxist end game, world domination centralized power to single fascist. German Socialist used it, Soviet Union used it, now Communist Chinese and MSS use it.
This is the document, this is the reason, this is the chair. The Abuse of the UN Chair by the CCP and MSS.
The Communist Chinese are supposed to be disbanding their SOE's and centralized resource and wealth hoarding. However, they are using this document to create world domination. In which they create genocide, bully, and destroy countries with their SOE's exactly like the Soviet Union did. If we allow their SOE's into free trade zones. Which is pretty much just part of their country. We will see the same thing that happened in the international economic market place happen in each domestic market place. There will be a centralization of resources, wealth and jobs in that area specifically to the Communist Chinese Party. Which is exactly what we are seeing in the international community.
Please we have to stop this. I have six college degrees, was a Senator of a College, had four years of debate and speech competition, mock trial, moot court, have worked with confidential to secret documents (none of which I ever leaked to anyone). We need to stop this. I am very logical and this reasoning is sound.