I do not think they are really going to do that. I am almost thirty years old. Spent most of my life in a rock band, school, and working in little crudy shops god love the owners's trying. I just can't stand that I know this so well. However, I can't figure out how to properly cognition it to gain funding so I can do it professional. I have become vulgar, tired, upset, am in the last minutes right before as the SOE's are entering into ID, IN, MA, and I can't do anything, except sit here and collect and send out half witted letters. I have sold everything, nobody will hired me I am pretty sure I am black balled by now. However, truly to this nature it does not matter to me. I will write till I die to stop fascist centralization of wealth and power. I am tired I have been up for a long time. I am wining, I guess that is why I am here. However, I am try the best I can with what I got, which is not a lot. I am from a rough type. I can see it, so clear, it is being in purgatory. Where I see everything but can't do anything. I am trying, I am doing everything I can. I have to wait five more days to get my motorcycle. Then I am going to go talk to folks and see if I can set up meetings to get MEI started.
Rider I
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