During the Soviet Union Empire, we saw the same thing. Stalin wanted to get rid of all those who believed in Democracy along with cut lures that did not believe in his mono culture. In which the Soviet Union would funded Dictators and proxy agents to wipe out whole cultures so they could control that country and it's resources. The Soviets where just not as upfront about it. However, their military conquest and bear actions where exactly the same.
Then we see the Communist Chinese. They followed in the foot steps of the Soviet Empire by creating forced famines to destroy areas of resistance to the mono culture and Han Chinese genome. In which they then killed tens of millions who where resisting with famine and military. They where just as militaristic as the Soviets however, they used natural weapons like famine to do to instead of military like German Socialist Party did. Therefore, today we see the same genome genocides for power and resources as we saw before. However, today we see the CCP taking drastic measures not to pick up more than a couple hundred at a time of the genomes they are trying to genocide. In which allows them to act like they are picking them up months after they protested or anything. So they could take them in to thin their genomes and rebellions via shots and brain washing. Which is evidentiary. Along with that the CCP and MSS funds dictators exactly like the Soviet Union does to create genocide in other countries so they can control those countries, and gain their resources.
So, what we see is, Marxism creates genocidal mono cultures. That is why the US as a mutiplict country has always thought that the Communist Party is right along side the Nazi's, Black Panthers and other power tribes that wish for mono cultures. As such, as we have seen these same patterns as the other power tribes that used mono culture to create SOE's that are illegal in anti trust and cartel laws. In which they use those SOE's to create genocide at home for resources and abroad. Which they will never allow any other power tribe to gain as much power as they have. So instead of allowing specific genomes to exist that are rebellion genomes, as any DNA specialist can tell you, if we can take the hair off of chickens we can take the fight for freedom out of humans; and yes Chickens have hair, it is that stuff under the feathers.
That means that the Communist Chinese should not be so allowed to act with impunity towards Democracy and free markets as they have been. However, there has been no real leader or fighter who has been able to cognition using the whole power basket structure the reality of the US's demise and the implementation of a mono culture rule to subordinate US Democracy and muticulture to their SOE's and resource hoarding of over 97% of the worlds resources.
Rider I
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