This is an unprofessional Collection cite. That wishes for Speech and Debate with Regards to the topics collected and Special Libraried. I wish for defense of Fair Use Doctrine, not for profit, educational collection.

"The new order was tailored to a genius who proposed to constrain the contending forces, both domestic and foreign, by manipulating their antagonisms" "As a professor, I tended to think of history as run by impersonal forces. But when you see it in practice, you see the difference personalities make." Therefore, "Whenever peace-concieved as the avoidance of war-has been the primary objective of a power or a group of powers, the international system has been at the mercy of the most ruthless member" Henry Kissinger

The World market crashed. There was complete blame from the worlds most ruthless power on the world's most protective and meditational power. So I responded with: "We must now face the harsh truth that the objectives of communism [The Communist Chinese Party's (CCP) Economic Espionage Units called the MSS] are being steadily advanced because many of us do not recognize the means used to advance them. ... The individual is handicapped by coming face to face with a Conspiracy so monstrous she or he cannot believe it exists. The American mind simply has not come to a realization of the evil which has been introduced into our midst" Therefore, like Dr. John Nash would probable think: This is because of our lost state craft of tracing scientific coding in the intelligence community of the algorithmic code of the Communist espionage agents. As "The Communist [CCP's economic espionage units called the MSS] threat from without must not blind us to the Communist [CCP's economic espionage units called the MSS] threat from within. The latter is reaching into the very heart of America through its espionage agents and a cunning, defiant, and lawless communist party, which is fanatically dedicated to the Marxist cause of world enslavement and destruction of the foundations of our Democracy/Republic." J. Edgar Hoover. Which allows the Communist to shape the future and powers that be. As "Our citizens and our future citizens cannot share properly in shaping the future unless we understand the present, for the raw material of events to come is the knowledge of the present and what we make it"

Lieutenant General Leslie R. Groves

If you have any problem with IP or copyright laws that you feel are in violation of the research clause that allows me to cite them as per clicking on them. Then please email me at
US Copy Right Office Fair Use doctrine. Special Libary community common law, and Speech and Debate Congressional research civilian assistant. All legal defenses to copy right infringement.

Saturday, April 30, 2011

How to get more Communist Chinese Anti Espionage Non Profits.

The idea is we have reached a proliferation point of red line. In which all predictions and assumptions have been made admitted. They have admitted that they will not become a Democracy nor will they become a free market without cold war weapons. Now the under task is to proliferate non profits in and around port cities that watch and trace their activities. I will see if that will be me or if I can spur a richer power with more human and social wealth than I.

Rider I
Or I could build a castle.

Instead of spreading the worlds resources out so the Earth can be a place of level civility. We allow the Communist Chinese to have the worlds biggest gap, which is a complete oxy moron as applied to communist macro ideas of spreading the wealth. Which means the Communist Party is really just a Fascist party using Communist cold war weapons for its world imperialist fascist wish to own the world. As compared to the US we just want scooby snacks and for countries to have to learn to fight peaceful in debate and Democracy so we do not have to worry about taking sides.

The Mission statement for MEI

The Marshallian Economist Institute wishes to be a catalyst. A catalyst is a chemical structure that changes the structure of another chemical agent. As such, as MEI is an economic institute, this Institute wishes to change the current foreign policy with regards to the Communist Chinese Party. This is mainly do to their admitting that they will never become a Democracy. Along with admitting they wish to create massive State Owned Enterprise. As these State Owned Enterprises are used in the Soviet Characteristics to blame the US, Free Markets and Democracy for every World Business Trough Cycle. The MEI institute thinks that the 6 College Degreed Ex Senator of .......................... Marshallian Free Market Democratic believer standing before you should be paid to help rebut that with full heart and soul. The MEI President started a collection website called the Rider I Anti-Economic Warfare, then created part two. This Non Profit is Part three to the wish of the President of MEI to change current Foreign Policy Towards the Communist Party of China who has Soviet Characteristics of World Resource Domination and Single World Currency.

Rider I
The Catalyst Mission Statement.

I think my card will be something like me standing in front of the Chinese Flag, with my slacks polo shirt and a baseball hat, and a pen and pad in my hands. With an Owl on the back of the card in flight. That is a maybe, I think I could create a better picture than that. I could create a pitch black card with the Owl on the Back and the Front the US Eagle with 13 Arrows. Or I could do pitch black and just the name of the institute. Marshallian Economic Institute on the Front, and web address on the back. I have to really get a nice place for the website. I think I will look at all my favorite non profit websites from the left to the right and see what If I can take the best ideas out of all of them for mine.

Or I could just show the picture of the resource gap from the Communist to the rest of the word on the front of the card and my hand hitting a table with books on it. I think I like that one. As it would not only be used as proof in conversation with buddies and co workers and board members of the necessity of what I am working on but it will have my face on it. Which will be good when it is time for me to pick a political party to battle with for my debate war time of my life. Ya I think that is the one I felt wave feedback on the old mental reader of conceptional depth. Ok then my pitch will be all the legal and proper games I can play to actually get that gap to be mined properly and why it is important for the US. Ya good to go, just have to figure out the books on the front of the card and my appearance.

Rider I

Friday, April 29, 2011

Before I leave to go see a dollar movie and have a 50 cent beer.

I will say this. The idea that the world economic business trough cycle was the US's fault is the same thing the Soviets did. Along these lines every country was at fault, at the top the countries most at fault where those routing for the crash to happen with over 3,000 intelligence bases alone in the US literally drinking coffee each day and planning for the big crash. Again with enough centralized wealth any one could have been made look at fault from Timy with a hotdog, if such power as the Soviets and now the MSS with over 2 million agents world wide dedicated themselves to make Timmy with a hot dog the culperate.

This blog is dedicated to people like me and my heroes. People who take on thousands of foreign Intellegnce agents routing for the destruction of the US and free markets so their masters can rule the world via their one world rule order, instead of the Democratic voting system we currently have in the world under US clout.

1 base primarily created to refute 3,000 CCP domestic US bases and a whole group of pawns who get excited to be pawns in a world domination theory. The conspiracy now is to stop the CCP from further resource domination to spread the wealth of production to countries that really need it. That is about when I say Rough Rider I enough said time to collect.

Rider I

Are you with the new conspiracy or are you a pawn of the Communist elitist? Personally I like my individual conspiracies but if you want to conscript into this one, have a heart felt love of it when you write and legally acct. You do not have to be anyones pawn in my legal conspiracy to present information and ideas. All you have to do is believe that Freedom is the end game. Join in or just rock out baby.

Lead The New Conspiracy
LTNC, you are your own individual if you believe that 2 million agents against freedom and Democracy is unfair then help out, all you have to do is speak out. Say something to somebody.
Leather Jacket, steel toe boots Harley and strong sturdy levi's. Oh ah freedom. White shirt, grey bandanna owl left and pope skull ring right. Ah I love freedom lets fight some conspiracies. legally and properly.


Why you should chose the Rider I for your dissident to Marxist World Domination

1. My blood line is ancient against Tyranny and I am going through the Tri's I grounds that is ceremonial shown in the Temple.
2. I am highly educated and skilled in intellectual battles from debate, to mock courts, to politics.
3. I am well loved in the USA on both sides of the spectrum.
4. I am not doing this to get rich.
5. It is all I believe in my heart. Is the stopping of major characters from destroying cities, our municipalities and the funding of our security forces to take care of our rural folks and keep peace in the city. Which is linked directly into Soviet Style cold war tactics to implode the US via cancerous debt.
6. My loyalty stands to my country, country men and women, and I would never leak something deemed classified or higher. As I have worked with all kinds of classified documents and not a thought of analyis from those documents has ever been leaked.
7. I am very creative and imaginative. In which I can thus predict things and see if I am correct with my imagination and the basic root facts predict. Therefore, making the scientific purpose of finding Big Niches easier for me.
8. I love Families, I can't wait to have my own and thus would not jeopardize my future family nor any family I obtain money from.
9. I am getting tired of this Owl I chair where I act unbecoming of an officer to stir it all up, like I have done.
10. I really need money for my Wing Chung and MMA classes, along with my Tri's eye finishing three degrees.
11. All of these books and articles for me to publish something professionally cost money, I have not anything to publish or present as I can't pay or even buy the books I need to arm myself.
12. I have connections from the dirt all the way to marble.
13. I am not scared to die in pursuit of a legal trace of a great writ of an article. If it is legal and proper.
14. Most communist can't stand the idea of hurting me or stopping me as my theories are the end game they wish that Marxism solved for.
15. I seriously want nothing more to do than this, as I have for a long time now. Nothing more I want to do unless it is stopping world domination theories.

Rider I
That is why you should chose the Rider I as your place of dissent for Communist Chinese resource Domination and pressure on China to finish transitioning into a Democracy and Free Market and leave behind the Soviet Characteristics. Along with that without proper funding I can write the book I want to write as I have to pay to cite and use others intellectual material.

So if you want to fund this dissent I am hoping soon somebody will teach me how to properly set up a non profit and I will be on my way. I have asked a specifically target old Communist watch non profit to teach me as they are not doing it anymore. However, twice now they have not got back to me. It is like well you are a non profit right? Well then, I have no profits and I need help, I know you think my deeds are noble, stop with the competition bit, as there is no more a perfect candidate than the Rider I for the deed at hand. 

My critique on one of my hero's speeches.

Even though of late, his ideas like everyone else have forgotten about Soviet Characteristically abused SOE's and Soverign Wealth funds starving the rule people and conquering the international resources thus starving out other countries to go to the Communist for resources. A couple of his speeches I thought he had to many scooby snacks. This one's not bad but I am going to speak my mind. As such I will line by line, after the speech. 

"Why I agree with (some of) Friedrich Hayek
George Soros
Cato Institute, Washington DC

Friedrich Hayek is generally regarded as the apostle of a brand of economics which holds that the market will assure the optimal allocation of resources — as long as the government doesn’t interfere. It is a formalized and mathematical theory, whose two main pillars are the efficient market hypothesis and the theory of rational expectations.
This is usually called the Chicago School, and it dominates the teaching of economics in the United States. I call it market fundamentalism.

I have an alternative interpretation — diametrically opposed to the efficient market hypothesis and rational expectations. It is built on the twin pillars of fallibility and reflexivity.
I firmly believe these principles are in accordance with Hayek’s ideas.
But we can’t both be right. If I am right, market fundamentalism is wrong. That means I must be able to show some inconsistency in Hayek’s ideas, which is what I propose to do.
Let’s start with Hayek’s influence on the twin pillars of my interpretation. I was a student at the London School of Economics in the late 1940s and read the great methodological controversy between Karl Popper and Hayek in Economica, the school’s periodical.
I considered myself a disciple of Popper. But here I was on Hayek’s side. He inveighed against what he called “scientism” — meaning the slavish imitation of Newtonian physics. Popper took the opposite position. He argued in favor of what he called the doctrine of the unity of science — that the same methods and criteria apply to all scientific disciplines.

I was drawn to this controversy by my interest in Popper. I had read his book, “Open Society and its Enemies,” in which he argued that the inconvertible truth is beyond the reach of the human intellect, and ideologies that claim to hold this truth are bound to be false. Therefore, he argued, they can be imposed on society only by repressive methods.
This helped me see the similarity between the Nazi and communist regimes. Having lived through both in Hungary, it made a great impression.
This led me to Popper’s theory of scientific method. Popper claimed that scientific theories can never be verified — they can only be falsified. So their validity is provisional — they must forever remain open to falsification by testing. This avoids all the problems of needing to prove scientific theories beyond any doubt and establishes the importance of testing. Only theories that can be falsified qualify as scientific.
While I was admiring the elegance of Popper’s theory, I was also studying elementary economics. I was struck by a contradiction between the theory of perfect competition, which postulated perfect knowledge, with Popper’s theory, which asserted that perfect knowledge was unattainable. The contradiction could be resolved by recognizing that economic theory cannot meet the standards of Newtonian physics.
That is why I sided with Hayek — who warned against the slavish imitation of natural science and took issue with Popper — who asserted the doctrine of unity of method.
Hayek argued that economic agents base their decisions on their interpretation of reality, not on reality — and the two are never the same.
That is what I call fallibility. Hayek also recognized that decisions based on an imperfect understanding of reality are bound to have unintended consequences. But Hayek and I drew diametrically opposed inferences from this insight.

Hayek used it to extol the virtues of the invisible hand of the marketplace, which was the unintended consequence of economic agents pursuing their self-interest. I used it to demonstrate the inherent instability of financial markets.
In my theory of reflexivity I assert that the thinking of economic agents serves two functions. On the one hand, they try to understand reality; that is the cognitive function. On the other, they try to make an impact on the situation. That is the participating, or manipulative, function.
The two functions connect reality and the participants’ perception of reality in opposite directions. As long as the two functions work independently of each other they produce determinate results. When they operate simultaneously they interfere with each other. That is the case not only in the financial markets but also in many other social situations.

I call the interference reflexivity. Reflexivity introduces an element of unquantifiable uncertainty into both the participants’ understanding and the actual course of events.
This two-way connection works as a feedback loop. The feedback is either positive or negative. Positive feedback reinforces both the prevailing trend and the prevailing bias — and leads to a mispricing of financial assets. Negative feedback corrects the bias. At one extreme lies equilibrium, at the other are the financial “bubbles.” These occur when the mispricing goes too far and becomes unsustainable — boom is then followed by bust.
In the real world, positive and negative feedback are intermingled and the two extremes are rarely, if ever, reached. Thus the equilibrium postulated by the efficient market hypothesis turns out to be an extreme — with little relevance to reality.
Frank Knight was the first to identify the unquantifiable uncertainty inherent in financial markets. John Maynard Keynes and his followers elaborated his insight.
Classical economists, by contrast, sought to eliminate the uncertainty connected with reflexivity from their subject matter. Hayek was one of them.
The methodological debate in Economica took place in the context of the larger political controversy over the role of the state in the economy. Hayek was on one side, Keynes and socialist planners on the other.
But Hayek subordinated his methodological arguments to his political bias. That is the source of his inconsistency. In the Economica, he attacked scientism. But after World War II, when the communist threat became more acute, he overcame his methodological qualms and became the apostle of market fundamentalism — with only a mild rebuke for the excessive use of quantitative methods in his Nobel Prize acceptance speech.
Because he was fighting communism, a scientific theory that proved that market participants pursuing their self-interest assure the optimum allocation of resources was too convenient for him to reject. But it was also too good to be true.

Human beings act on the basis of their imperfect understanding — and their decisions have unintended consequences. That makes human affairs less predictable than natural phenomenon. So Hayek was right in originally opposing scientism.
At the time of the Economica articles, Popper was between Hayek and the socialist planners. He was just as opposed as Hayek to communism’s threat to individual liberty, but he advocated what he called piecemeal social engineering rather than laissez-faire.

Here I sided with Popper. But Popper and Hayek were not that far apart. I was influenced by both — and I also found fault with both.
By identifying Hayek’s inconsistency and political bias, I do not mean to demean him — but to improve our understanding of financial markets and other social phenomena. We are all biased in one way or another and, with the help of reflexivity, our misconceptions play a major role in shaping the course of history.
Because perfection is unattainable, it makes all the difference how close we come to understanding reality. Recognizing that the efficient market hypothesis and the theory of rational expectations are both a dead end would be a major step forward.
As in that earlier time, the political controversy on the role of the state in the economy is raging today. But the standards of political discourse have greatly deteriorated. The two sides used to engage in illuminating arguments; now they hardly talk. That is why I was so pleased to accept this invitation to the Cato Institute.
As I see it, the two sides in the current dispute have each got hold of one half of the truth. which they proclaim to be the whole truth. It was the hard right that took the initiative by arguing that the government is the cause of all our difficulties; and the so-called left, in so far as it exists, has been forced to defend the need for regulating the private sector and providing government services.
Though I am often painted as the representative of the far left — and I am certainly not free of political bias — I recognize that the other side is half right in claiming that the government is wasteful and inefficient and ought to function better.
But I also continue to cling to the other half of the truth — namely that financial markets are inherently unstable and need to be regulated.
Above all, I am profoundly worried that those who proclaim half truths as the whole truth, whether they are from the left or the right, are endangering our open society.
Both Hayek and Popper, I believe, would share that concern. Those of us concerned with the protection of individual liberty ought to work together to restore the standards of political discourse that used to enable our democracy to function better"

Dr. Soros first of all perfect knowledge is obtainable. It is the basics of how to understand that is perfect knowledge. However, though the idea that there is nothing perfect and term perfect itself implies a replication of exact data could be criticized. But if we take the idea of perfect as very close and similar we can see that close and similar knowledge is obtainable through the ability to obtain perfect understanding. As knowledge is just another way to say that one understands a specific area. So if one wishes to gain perfect knowledge they must come as close as possible to similar to the actual existence of the accumulation of understanding to create their knowledge base. It is how most scientist can not necessarily use the same theory as again, nothing is exact. However, then again, if you where to say that perfect omni knowledge was not obtainable that could be true. Then again, with computers and super computers along with the ability to teleport computers we could come very close and similar to that. 

I actually agree with the concluding statements 100%. The idea that anyone thing is the fault of something is exactly why I created this blog post. As the MSS and SASAC have millions of intellegence agents as Compared to free markets that spend most of their time working on extrmist fanatics and stopping killing of human life. As such I created this cite for a educational purpose to educate legislatures on the matter of free markets. 

Again, I also believe that any extreme is bad and that two are necessary. Along these lines I see the same principles. However, I stand more to the right. On that matter, I do see the government not functioning properly but I do not see it as some of the extremist right see it. I see it as an inability of itself to do its constitutional duty to stop other countries from using their economies from destroying ours. 

After reading this article the I could play devil's advocates. However, as most speeches I read from Dr. Soros I can agree. It is just his currently stance with the Communist Chinese and their SOE's and Sovereign Wealth funds that are way to much left that I dissent against. I stand for SOE's and Sovereign Wealth funds that are only used to go exactly back to the poor like schools, social security medicare and basic minimal poverty level market shares. As the SOE's used in everything else are just used to take away value from the market and thus implement it for weapons. However, Soros did not speak on that matter, and I am still waiting to rip him a new one once he does, if he again sides with the CCP in full speech or writ, regarding their cold war tactics. This speech however, not bad, no scooby snacks before that one. 

He has only upset me once so far when he spoke about the world taking on the Chinese characteristics. Which I then wrote to his court, that I think you remember not that it is not Chinese characteristics that they are using but Soviet Characteristics. I have not heard him speak in the I since then about the matter. 

Rider I
Still one of my hero's folks are only human. Any human who can live through Nazi, and Communist invasion come to the US and niche his way to the top to hold sway against world tyrants is a hero of mine, even if he is a little arse kisser to the Communist right now. 
As this is a pure for educational non profit nor livable expense gain, nor gain anything at all but heart and soul cite. I am sure my heor will not mind if I post his speech, as he does stand strong on his ideas and makes enough money to live Along with that he dare not attack an Owl.

Why the IMF and world bank properly mis weigh the Communist Chinese as a Developmental Country.

The world unions differ on the Communist Chin's as how to weigh them. Some say they are not to be considered a developing country nor gain favor as such, based on their inability to properly transfer into a Democracy and Free market to spread out their wealth, while there are those like the IMF who think that poor Communist China is so poor, I mean look at their serfs on the Communist Parties owned land and their forced servitude to the Communist Party.

As such, it is the improperly of the IMF and its constant allowing of the Communist Chinese to do things like join forces with real Developing countries like Brazil, Russia, India. As those countries do not even have a quarter of the wealth that the Communist Chinese centralize and hold back from their own people. Along these it is the policy of the Communist Chinese as per their rural people that is the major improper weight system that allows the Communist Chines to be part of a trade group of real developing countries. The Communist Chinese should not be allowed to bully around the other three groups as they have more money. While also being able to influence their elitist leaders to act more like the communist chines and centralize their wealth so they can all attack free markets and Democracies and starve out their rural people as the spread of the centralized wealth does not ever reach them for schools or hospitals or simple plumbing aspects. This is not because they are developing as much as it is because the Communist Chinese are holding back development until they feel they have a complete control of the world economy over the free markets and Democracies. In which is the same thing the Soviets tried to do.

Therefore, we see that if the weight application of the Communist Chinese is the idea that they are a developing country because their poor and rural have not. Well that is because the CCP holds back and has lots. This then should be a major focal point of IMF weighing principles before they take into account the idea of a single currency that is being so strongly represented by the Communist Chinese. Again not because they care about rural people and a floating currency that allows other countries to build their economies like the CCP was able to enjoy. But because they are big babies in high chairs that wish to stop the other developing countries from gaining resource contracts via a floating individual multiplicity of currencies that will take the power away from the Communist Chinese economically like it has the Democracies and free markets that have allowed such things to happen for the baby Communist. Who currently are throwing a temper tantrum and trying to destroy free markets and Democracies with their single world currency and the bullying of the real developing countries. Which is not fair. As the Communist Chinese where able to gain substantial amounts of infrastructure, wealth and huge amounts of money. However, instead of playing nice and fair they wish to keep it forever and rule the world. Which will then force every other country to come to the Communist as a centralized resource holder, to get anything. Much like their domestic single political totalitarian rule concepts. This then shows the specific niche of fault, mens rea of the CCP and how to fix it.

As the proper weighing of the Communist Chines a developed country based on their storage of wealth and not based on their greed to not develop their poor areas would then allow a proper cognition to start allow such countries as India, Brazil and Russia to climb the ladder to more wealth and prosperity for their countries. As their domestic policies way out shine the spread of wealth over the Communist Chinese.

Therefore, I think the Communist Chinese should not be allowed to band with the Bric and thus forced to sit with the developed countries based on their inability to properly spread the wealth and mens rea to stop others from gaining wealth. Which would then take their shield off and force them to accept more pressure to spread the wealth, as the developed countries have allowed to other nations, like India, Brazil and Russia.

Rider I
The idea that the US has political clout is not based on our storage of massive amounts of resources of wealth in centralized cold war weapons, nor is it based on politically back stabbing other countries. It is based on our ability to debate and peacefully allow opposition. Which by natural law allows the best spread of wealth and fair competition as possible.

This is for the US rural folks, or what my smart butt likes to call Druids. Folks in barns building space ships.

Could not imagine having our folks forced to work for a single political tribe, in which they could never own their own and have their all taken from them for the party to become richer. Just seeing those rich cities and massive sovereign wealth funds, then going out to my old CCP rural back woods high school literally I had to take the biggest well I was not happy about how they treat their poor folks and the spread, mind the gap.

How Communist China's status of a developing world should be reevaluated.

The idea of international leniency should not be based on the spread of wealth of a country. As we have seen with the Soviets if that is the case the Communist run countries will always be considered developing like they are now. However, the world developing should be considered the actual ability of that country to build its own country for example.

If I ran a country and I new I could gain sympathy and humbleness from the world which would gain me favors in getting my trade partners better contracts or a shield from political pressure. I would then, as a very smart person use that in every way I could, from creating false Free Trade Agreements, to constantly attacking those in back door politics that dissent against my countries rule. As such, I would then have no benefit to actually spread the wealth my country has accumulated. As why would I win my single party rule would have all the power and we could store up massive amounts of wealth in SOE's Sovereign Wealth funds and reserves which we could then use to play macro economic cold war games to decay those that dissent against my parties single rule. Along those lines why would I stop there if I new I was protected by a bad weighing system. I would move further and thus try and dominate the world resources as I know the root of all economic principles is the ability to create value which is the ability to trade something for something.

Therefore, as I would never do that as I believe in opposition and have a high moral conscious to my own stupidity with out proper debate or forensics from an opposition that is as powerful or more powerful than I. You can see how one smart Druid could easily use the improper weighing system to create a whole dynasty based around one simple improper weighing principle.

How the IMF has taken the side of the new Ruble the SDR.

The IMF fancies itself as a Maoist institution. However, just like its false idol head of Mao, they are actually just Soviet institution. In which this is mainly as Mao was nothing more than a Colonial in the Soviet Empire's world domination. Which was easily proven to get the Communist Chinese latter down the road to stab the Soviets in the back every five seconds, as the Communist Chinese did not want to be ruled by the Soviet Ruble or any single world currency. This is because it was explained to them perfectly that if they allow the Soviets to implement a single world currency based on holdings of resources or other values. It will basically mean that the all countries will go to war much like the Empires of Monarchs used to. This is primarily because all countries would have to use SOE's and Sovereign Wealth funds if a single world trading currency was created. As such, there would be no way for smaller countries to trade with each other in their own currencies. Along with that they would not be able to build up by having a lower valued currency which allows them to gain more contracts and more jobs if they are doing well in civil pursuit.

As such, the IMF wishes to take the Soviet style economic approach where they just analyze the idea of a single currency. However, the free markets and Democracies have long stood on Marshallian grounds. In which Marshallian economics states that economics is just a principle of the bigger picture. The whole off the value should be considered. For example, you can have a criminal who kills and mames and does all kinds of things to hurt folks, who has lots of wealth. However, is he rich? Marshallian would say no. As the wealth should be taken from him for hurting people and committing crimes against the individuals ownership of labor.

As such, the main principle behind the Soviet as again, Communist China's so called idol head was just a Soviet Colonial. Therefore, the principles behind the Soviets ideals of a single world currency have been completely imperalist. Which is base don monarch wish to rule the whole world under their thumbs. Instead of allowing each countries pocket of individuals to have their own culture peacefull and to use their own currency to help build themselves up.

Therefore, the SDR is a complete key into world powered traitorism. Those holding the IMF seats of the SDR cells can easily be picked out in their country for pushing for their country to be allowed to be taken under by the New Soviet Bloc the Communist Chinese. As such, the trace of these IMF leaders to contracts that create false hood Free Trade Agreements that force their country to be tide to the Communist Chinese exactly like the Soviets did before they just implemented them under their single currency rule and centralized resource wealth control. Will show, each of the IMF SDR cell leaders complete treason to their own people to have them taken over by the Communist Chinese. If I had more power and a richer purse I could easily trace them in their own countries along with a translator and a Diplomat in their home countries. It would not be hard for me to see the Political harm that they have done to their own people so as to set up the Soviet Characteristics of a single world currency under the rule of the centralized resource dominated Communist Party.

Along these lines we can see domestically in Free Markets and Democracies that hold civil values and the spread of wealth via free markets over any resource holding as per Marshallian theory, that the CCP along with a mass international connection of traitors to their country wish to help implement characters to make the IMF SDR cells stronger. The conspiracy has turned in the temple and in as the Priory has been seriously offended by the Communist Chinese. Instead of helping Democracize the Middle East or at least bring peace to it the CCP funds the upset youth of the middle east to destory a peaecfull region of religous people. Instead of allowing the Churches of the world autonomy from the state to preach outside of Politics or statism they force churches to preach Communist views and ideals which conform to the root idea that Religion should some day be wiped out. As such, using ideals that really do not show the value of the Churches of the world.

The IMF has taken the side of the Soviet Characterisitcs. This time However, they wish to use a Union of countries in a centralized holder of the single currency which will be lead by a myriad of different ways in which the Communist Party will still be able to control the centralized world currency so as to stifle dissent to their single party rule, based on resource campaigns.

It is my unprofessional opinion that if my traces are true with regards to IMF leaders of their countries getting their countries into Soviet style satellite false hood Free Trade Agreements that the IMF SDR cells should be abanonded and thus stopped from existance as per Ruble tendancies for non power sharing of adequate debate and proper Democratic procedures via a cold currency, instead of the proper civil mutiplicty of world currencies coming together as individual countries. Furthermore, in my unprofessional manner if the leaders of the SDR heads are like I presume they are and Soviet style world domination wishers. I would have their internal countries take a complete look into their movements, to see if there has been any push for their country to be taken over economically by the Communist so as to force a satellite centralization exaclty like the Soviets did when they where on their world resource domination.

Along these lines I say to all Religions and to all cultures of differences. The pyramid if it gets to high will not properly represent the people. Which means free markets allow for a proper holding of differences in currencies which allow currencies to float if not taken as a weapon to control This floating system is based on the countries ability to provide for their people, not their ability to spread out the wealth. Then the reason why countries have more political clout as non one runs the world ever, is based on civility and the ability of countries to live peacefully in harmony with the many tribes that are inside of them. As the US and Democracy allow for the most peaceful way of tribes without oppression or tyranny to live and debate together. 


See if you can apply this cognition to the US.

After centuries of studying the fountain of youth. Today's sciences have broken the code. All it is is a set structure of molecules that helps the nature living tissue of the human or animal like creature remember is function. Without bringing out my book to code this by name of specific parts. Here it is, it is the bi polar opposite of cancer. Where cancer forces the cell to forget thus replicate as it spins in a circle not knowing what to do. The FOY on you molecule forces the cells to remember, thus placing the cell in a replication process that takes its nucleus or other area of stored process and replenishes the memory of when it functioned at uptomom efficiency. Again I was offered another dose but I wanted to grow a little older this time to see how it feels to age with ones loved ones. The funniest thing is, that the US was the most efficient when it knew what the Communist where doing and acted to stop them from doing it by not allowing SOE's and sovereign wealth funds in. So we decay because we do not remember we have cancer because cells have forgotten and all because, I need to implement the FOY on you molecule back in the US's cognitional

Rider I

The Communist Parties wish to destroy and to enslave.

The basic mindset is to destroy and to enslave, if you think like or know a, or trace, or understand a Communist. Their basic idea is that of destruction to enslave. There are specific psychological traits that Communist Have. Complete aura tests have been done on Communists. It is the idea that those who wish for freedom and let be and let live ideas are usually on the what the scale calls good, if you can define good in an aura. As where a communist aura is more on the side of bad if you can use a color of a person's electromagnetic waves around them as a source of what they believe. However, tests would show that someone who wishes for destruction like an anarchist or a communist to then create a world in which they could create slaves to them as they are the founders of the movement and thus should control the workers, you see similar aura tests.

The basic theory behind Communism is such in depth that it digs its own grave. It basically circles right back into fedualism in its theories of solving a problem it causes.

It is upsetting, to see so many people living in mental caves. In which they can't see anything is possible in a free country as long as you do not cause harm or break the fabrics, or have something illegal down to oneself. As such, however, in a commune, it makes it almost impossible to do what one wants as the theory is based on everyone doing something and thus depending on the other for that thing to exist. Which means whether in vacuum or in actual real application it is bondage. However, in freedom. There is so many gives and ways, gears ideas, competitions, this that, here there, where to go, choices choices choices. that only a person who wishes to be enslaved can be so. As, my very last theory if I lose all my owl I's and I get hit hard and left to outside not in a cage. Is to well, you guessed it be free. Wood, fire, grow, eat drink, river, find a mountain women and be free.

However, in a communist country that outlet is impossible, as freedom is not their end game, as communal bondage is their end game. Where as in my freedom theory as an individual not really giving a whoot about the Marx's theory as I oppose it strong as a Marshallian, Lockean Smithian, I chose outer space cowboy if all in all goes personality type A. If not, on the polar end of that cowboy in the woods.

Ranting last couple I will have to delete this. Brain fried time to go to bed full 12 in. night. 

Thursday, April 28, 2011

How Free Markets and Democracy did not fail, yet is memory has.

Rider song

The Memory of the Free Markets and Democracies has failed. 

The cognition of the Free Markets and Democracies has almost completely forgotten about the attack by the Soviets SOE's and Sovereign wealth funds on FM's and Democracies. This is more than inherant in the majority of the US citizens could not tell you what a cold war is (economic warfare), or why the US was so against the Soviet Empire. If I speak with my grand parents when I was younger or their friends. They could say that was easy. The idea that the elitist should hold the wealth in their hands while everyone else works for it is a really bad theory. As a matter of fact it was well known that individualism was the best spread of wealth and the idea of allowing the leaders to have SOE's or Sovereign wealth funds was so disliked that the People as a whole hated. It so much so that to get the US citizens to turn against them, the Soviets had to use literally millions of tons of LSD to invade the minds of the youth and then implement ideas of communist orgies and utopic THX environments. Where all they had to do was take drugs, do minimal amounts of what they where told to do then go back and have orgies. I mean it is well documented. However, you ask someone who created LSD and it is all the US's fault. As if the the US creator did not create it to find a cure for it because the Soviets had it first and where using it in small areas of the US for psychological warfare. It was such a game that full blown patriotic singers who knew what was happening took the psychotropic just to create songs against the Communist, like Jimmy Hendrix and his love for the US American way of life. I mean along the watch tower is one of the most patriotic hypnotic songs with regard to his mental psychotropic trips that was meant to watch out for the Communist mental invasion. Of course then again, all the hand to hand Soviet funding of specific hate groups really did a number. But old Jimmy to hear him in the Studio thinking how to refute what he heard on the streets. 

Then again I guess you would have to play games while so far into every little thing around you that you can see what people are thinking. I would not know of course, or would I. Then again my liberal friends. The idea was not that that is what the Soviets had in mind for the world. But that it was to weaken the US. Which is why specific port areas where targeted for this psychological warfare. As such, in Communist land their people would have been killed for not going to work and properly putting in time for their communal bondage. The Communist then have played many games over the years. However, what the folks who fall prey to their games of utopic ideas is that there are individual humans behind the current and strings that do not wish for you to be able to gain the power that they have. They wish for you to be a slave to their whims instead of you being a slave to your own whims, like US representatives and guardians wish for.

It was a shame when one of the best psychotropic game players left the planet I can still remember the ride to find those responsible for his departure.

Two Rider's
Rider I
The specific placement of words along with is ability to use catalysts to input codes in the mind against the soviet hate groups, I mean when he explained it it was like nothing you could have ever heard of. But I talk false.
Then again Rider I's have always had a way with implementation of thoughts and ideas. I like the blogasphere it is so cool.

I mean I can dissect the whole song, and exact imagining it created in the subconsiocs for individual freedom and free markets to refute the penetration of the Soviets Cold War weapons of SOE's and Sovereign Wealth funds. I can pin point exact Soviet hate group propaganda that was imaging against. It was proven that when played around specific tested hate groups that they where more sympathetic to point out Soviet psychological espionage agents, along with Communist Chinese agents.

How the US's conscious has forgotten this was that they stopped trying to defeat US. And did what every wing chug, or Tri's I of old is taught to do. Use your op pents best quality against them. That is how we have forgotten about their resource domination and wish to destroy Democracies and free markets to implement elitist rule over wealth and individuals.

Then again, folks still think that the molecules of the human body can't be replenished via a solution of liquid to hold the souls machine together. 

Communist Characteristics from the Soviet Empire.

Creation of Inclusive Trade Group to outcast Free Market and Democracy Competitors

The Soviet Empire was based on the idea that they first had to find the biggest and baddest economies in which to tame and get on their side so as to create a very powerful trade force. They then did things like make the trade group believe that they should gain favor from the world as a consortium of countries that should gain favor with major Free Markets so as to get lending to help their contracts with smaller satellite countries. They then made contracts with the smaller countries as for a way to control their economy. In which was a way to stop other countries from being able to have fair trade with them. This was done purely on the idea that the Soviet Union would shift their internal economics from one side to the other so as to use their SOE's and Sovering wealth funds to make it cheaper to trade with them than a free countries free enterprises or market. As such, this then kept free markets out of these sponsored satellite countries. Thefore, allowing for a more inclusive reach of the Soviet union. This then eventually allowed the Soviets to drain the smaller countries of their economy and ability to pay so as to create them into a debt consortium. In which the Soviets where able to get them to believe that the idea of a one world single party rule via the Communist Party was the proper thing to do. 

Implementation of the a Single World Currency using that Trade Group

After which they where able to make the satellites and the bigger trade group partners believe that the idea of a single world currency was better than a multiplicity of countries using their own currency in line with their civility and social security matters. This then allowed the Soviets to further control the satellites and trade group. This was done by again shifting sources of power via resources. Which mean the Soviets had to literally go on resource domination campaigns to keep their SOE's and Sovereign Wealth funds full, so they could control the very expanding cold war domination. 

Resource domination for Centralized world Economic Control
The idea of the Soviets was that they would be able to control the world and implement them as the worlds rulers, so as to force Marxist idea of a non competitive enslavement to the leaders in a two class system. Which was those who worked and those who controlled the work. Therefore, the main stay of the policy was the Soviets ability to control all resource mines in everything they could get their hands around. 

How Economic Warfare is just Cold War all over again. 

This then was called the Cold War. The idea of Economic Warfare using Karl's Marxist theories of SOE's and Sovereign Wealth funds to centralize the wealth in the hands of the elitist leaders in which the workers would benefit from their control of the wealth. The word cold war was used. As many Free Markets and Democracies literally had their blood boil at the thought of centuries of fighting against Monarchist feudalism of a two class system to be reimplementing into the world. Along with this some of the major countries that the Soviets took over saw it as it truly was. Just a way to give power to a centralized country instead of allowing the wealth to be spread out via multiplicity. This then is in lock and step 

Communist Chinese Lock and Step with Soviet Characteristics

The Communist Chinese have stated for over 30 years that they would turn their country into a Free Market and a Democracy. This then along with the constant stabbing in the back as the Communist Chinese did not like the idea of the Soviets owning the worlds wealth of resources as they wanted to centralize the world around them, lead a softer hand towards the Communist Chinese. Yet, today we see the Communist Chinese have denounced any further political transformation into a Democracy with political adversary system that would create a proper check and balance to help spread their wealth out and slow their Cold War resource domination, as such. Along with that the Communist never really disbanded their SOE's or Sovereign Wealth funds. They just conglomerated them and extroverted them as a source of way to use as a cold war weapon to implement Communist Chinese foreign policy ideas and further resource conquest.

Furthermore, the Communist Chinese have regrouped the idea of a trade union to create sympathy for their people to cloak the cold war weapons. This then allowed them to hide in a group instead of properly being seen as they are. Along with this it gives them stronger allies to allow them to keep dominating the world in resources While the group thinks they are getting a great deal in cheap products. But really are being stunted form a health growth as resources are needed for real developing countries to grow. This then has allowed the Communist Chinese to create a firewall between them and those who seem them for what they are. As if they are attacked and properly placed on roll of cold war tactics their allies in their special trade group will attack back. As such, in more or less the Communist Chinese are using these other countries to allow them to become more powerful.

Along these cold war lines have been drawn. We see countries unwilling to trade with or even give the US as good a deal as they are willing to give the Communist Chinese. Venezuela one of the US's

Therefore, I can't see why educated scholar are saying that the free markets and Democracies have failed. When if a historical application of a prior massive SOE and Sovereign Wealth fund resource world domination country, did the exact same thing to the free markets and it was proven then that it was their fault.  While now that they have been destroyed by not taken care of their rural people via not allowing the natural free market spread of wealth. They admit it fully. Yet, we sit here and watch the Communist Chinese do the same exact thing under cloak of partial transitioned economy and politics and say it is the free markets and Democracies fault. When we all know darn well When the rich get greedy and centralized the people's wealth it is not the people who are at fault for the economic disparities but the greedy hordes. Which in international macro terms would be the worlds Communist Party of China. As they use the horded money to make the party richer and the worlds real developing countries poorer, literally via debt.

Rider I

Peace de la Resistance.

My Rebuttal to Chin's News post.

No,I dissent to your post. I do not think you have your facts correct. The Japanese thought the same thing for a long time but they where not able to surpass the US. The thing is that the Communist Chinese rural area needs trillions of dollars for things like schools, proper social areas, and the such. Along with that, the whole of Communist China is in the throws of a rural outbreak of upset folks. I mean you have the whole place being enriched for the rich people. While the poor folks in the rural area are driven into the cities, and basically treated like illegal immigrants in their own country. I would guess that it would be more likely that the Communist China would break up into two countries with as bad as they are treating their rural people. I see the Communist Chinese falling to third place behind India pretty soon.
See you have to look at it this way. The Rich can only stack up value in SOE's and Sovereign Wealth funds so long before the poor get hostile and very upset. It happened in the US. But the US has a Democratic system in which the US was able to actually have outlets for the poor in a political party that beat out via votes the other party that was being mean to their poor folks. I think the Communist will stay second or move to third.

I mean for calling themselves Communist they really no nothing about spreading the wealth out to the Druid people of China. All they know is loyalty to the Party.

How to create a Non Profit with the specific resolve to Stop CCP resource domination which is in lock and step with Soviet Characteristics.

First, I have to prove and show how the CCP is in lock and step with the Soviets.
Then I need to prove how the world has forgotten about the dangers of the existence of such resolve.
Then I need to show how I plan to help slow the CCP world domination chart.
Then I need to show how the US is not imperialist and there is no imperialist motives, which will allow me to pick up more greeny parties which I  love hanging out with in the tree tops sparking a stogy drinking maple wine.

I could probable even if I was really good con-strew it so the USA Communist parties would fund me too. Cause I am good like that I might just do that so I can have a laugh. CCP oxy moron's.

More or less I have to figure out how to get folks to donate money to the cause of stopping the new lock and step Soviet characteristics single party rule.

Rider i
Now how to do that is worth a couple million in jobs, smiles, families, homes, papers, plane rides, and meetings.

I need to figure out my target and then figure out how to get it with one stone. I figure the whole application process will cost me less than a $1,000 if a castle it myself, as I know law. Then if I get funding I will have to use it for expenses only which will mean, I will have to figure out what is profit and what is not profit. That is the big case read.

How sometimes the best mental bloc crusher is to take a breather from the old road and turn down an un taken path and floor it in a reasonable stopping speed, to test your mental abilities.

The eletro process of the metnal's analysis is something of a misnumor for most. They do not understand that their mind is a place of constant electricity behind a small wall of bone. In which constantly is letting out thoughts and via heat and other necessary wave lengths into the air. This then means that all the old school tin foil wearing folks where not necessarily wrong to wear them. As currently I am on the trail of being able to read criminals minds and get a full men's rea report on the matter of their crime. However, more importantly as I am a civilian this means that full governments have this technology if I can come up with it. Which means that brain wave coding is also possible by this time. Which means that some how I must find the weakness in the ability to code the mind. Then again, this goes with evidence, and any proof that a possible reason would be for a foreign agent to code an individual for necessary movements. When governments are allowed to own trillion dollar SOE's and Sovereign Wealth funds as it is getting to in Communist China. We will see major problems in this area, as greed overtakes Democracy via the back wards oxy moronic Communist party inability to spread their wealth out via free markets and a Democratic resolve for political opposition.

As such, this study might not be to far off from the old road. Yet it is an place of new resolve for my brain to stop thinking about economic game boards and start thinking about the micro brain wave game board of each  electro and proton in those electrons with which light is used to transfer and store data. Ok back to it, I need to go run then hit the old economic game board again. Plus I have to send out three resumes. I have no gas, so I have to literally walk to the park walk around it as I have gained way amounts of weight and then walk back should take me about 5 hours.

Walk about.

Rider I

How Communist Chinese dispanshion of their Sovereign Wealth funds could create up to 8 million jobs a year.

Currently the Communist Chinese have sovereign wealth funds that are in the trillions. Yet, they have a populace in need of serious safety nets and civility issues. This then could be properly used by the taxes that the government takes from the SOE's and places in sovereign wealth funds instead of going to the elitist cold war planners going directly back into the Chinese market place for civility issues like better schools, rural schools, rural doctors etc. This is how the US and other free markets do it with no SOE's or Sovereign Wealth funds. As such, if the Communist wish to keep pace with their need to create jobs for their people while also creating a proper civil world for their citizens they should disband their cold war weapons of SOE's and Sovereign Wealth funds and allow that money that comes from commerce competition to go back to the people. This then would allow for a more fair international competition for trade like resources and production. While also making sure that the Chinese people feel the benefit of the free market place instead of the Communist Party being able to centralize more power for international cold war games.

Rider I

For example the US has one and hey give the funds back to the people to reinvest in the market place. Permant fund corp

Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Am I doing the right thing?

I could allow the Communist to keep their rural population inadequately kept to create generations of hostility that will cause a revolution. I could stop and allow the US to keep trading with the Communists to enrich their resource and cold war domination like the Soviets tried to do. I could completely shut down this cite and go back to mopping schools and churches and writing electronic theories on the boards at night, and taken weekend classes to create my patents so as to make it big with my ability to crush mental blocs and move forward. I could look back and realize my a priority goal is unattainable for a borrow boy like me with the kind of background I have. I could move to Alaska and live one of my dreams of living of the land and finding a mountain women. Am I doing the right thing? In my heart do I fear Communist foreign resource acquisition and domestic show of inadequate for their Druid people enough to give me male in se to move forward and keep trying to push US foreign policy away from the Communist enrichment and towards Democratic free market countries that we have left a little behind due to enrichment of the Communists. Am I doing the right thing? Placing my life on the line each time I trace another communist cold war (economic warfare) agent. Am I doing the right thing. Following my heart to wish to be a Tri's I knight and obtaining my mastery skills Am I doing the right thing? Should I obtain three graduate degrees, so when I speak with regards to helping build future Democracies and Free markets that I need to utilize little SOE's and Sovereign Wealth funds and prove my theories of service bell curve and spread of wealth via free markets. Am I doing the right thing? Thinking that the next service bell curve will drive the US further into deficit and inflation and will cause a depression. Am I doing the right thing? Am I? Will I obtain my goal of three Institutional Graduate degrees? Will the Communist agents not adhear to at home policy of a citizen tracing them and hurt me. Am I? Is my best friend right when she says I am crazy? Is the voices I hear in my head that ARE English and the visions I see part of actual ability to trace every action and thing I place out and possible reactions to the wave I place in the world, or am I psychotic? Do I know how to break mental blocs better than everyone else or do I just think to much? Is my ability to project my soul and think I can see things through animals real or just imaginary? Am I doing the right thing placing my thoughts on this blog post? Placing my life on the line by using others intellectual material to try and create a cognition in which in international court they could have my head as they do not follow fair use doctrine? Am I doing the right thing? I do not know, I know I am very peaceful I love debate and fours years I spent with my teams. I love Democracy I believe in free markets as the true class less system and best system. That is what I know, I think I am doing the right thing. It is all legal and maybe a little unproper. Am I? I think my teachings by my elders to project my soul to birds in the wildnerss and the ability to trace ones actions and possible movements via star gazing is real, ingrained in me it is. I think I am saint, I do think I think way to much though.

Rider I