As such, then we get to Communist China and the massive amounts of pictures flooding my mind with regards to the rural people who have no representation as there is no how do I project benefit of competition for a single party to champion their cause if the whole party has turned their back on them. I have pictures in my mind of tons of people camped outside of the parties main place of business wishing to know where their artist sons and daughters or their husbands and fathers have gone and when they will get out. I have pictures in my heads of whole farmers being evicted from their lands so that a major SOE can take over the lands without proper compensation for removing them from their life long labor and skill. These types of things then go un championed by a single party totalitarian rule. As the police have to follow the law which is set by the single party, the lawyers are arrested if they go against the rule which is set by the party, and there is no opposing party to pressure them or champion the cause to get them voted out or to make them look bad for civil disobedience to their own citizens. Therefore, I see in my minds eye, which funnily has been a dot on my head since I was a kid. I always thought it was funny that religions have the same dot on their head when I have one naturally. What ever. I feel pain from people in their minds not being able to know and understand what their government is doing or what their family or tribesmen have done wrong. I feel whole rural tribes upset and wishing to fight but not wishing to hurt anyone. I feel whole areas of people being hurt or slain for the basic principles of the single party to do as they wish based on some suits ideas in a air conditioned building down town.
These things are why in my mind Democracy and a two party or more system is the best way. It is the bases for most civil legal systems, as per adversary systems with the people being the judge. Along with that, the idea that these people have no one to champion their cause and those who try are then arrested and placed in the same conditions to me as an American is pain in my eyes and sorrow in my heart. I can't understand as being raised in a free real check and balance system, while a single party rule would want to exist if they loved their people. How anyone could think that they are smarter than everyone else and thus should create all laws without proper completely utter opposition and stance against to properly see if the ideas are good. With so many bad ideas in the world and so many historical applications of bad ideas gone wrong. I as an American can't understand why any country would want to run any other form of government than a Democracy except that the few in power with the guns want to keep it that way and live off the backs of their people.
I thus, think in my non professional opinion that the non Democratic governance of Communist China is not only a threat to the Chinese but to the world that it tries to help with its foreign aid and political clout. As it would seem in most major civiliziation as they help countries they try and implement their ideas of rule and think it is ok when the same wrongs they do are done by the others they help.
I would have to do a further study on this matter to see if my projections inside of my mind are true. However, I know of one instances in Africa where a Democracy was taken out to implement a dictatorship from opinionated sources that the Communist intellective did to gain resource contracts without care to the people. As in their country single party dictator war lords is how the Communist Party came to power. I do not know much. I can tell you I have read these things. I may never make more than $15 an hour in my life, or I could fall back down to minimum wage because of specifically targeted economic warfare against me. However, what I can tell you is what I see in my mind and feel in my heart, my nightmares I have of people's pain and the prayer I stupidly say every night for the Jesus to watch my soul and to protect me from evil and for the lord to give me the power to fight evil and for the spirit to guide my soul when I sleep to see what is wrong and where I can help. I guess I project so much on Communist China as that is what I write about during the day as there is way worse places. However, Communist China is so close to Democracy and free markets. If we could just get them to disband their Sovereign wealth funds to allow the wealth to go to the people in the rural areas that need it and to disband the SOE's so as not to create the centralization of wealth out of the markets and away from the people. I believe I could move onto worrying about trying to find a way to publish my patents. Who knows, darn symbol on my head bird in my hand and world on my palm. Nature eh, naturally legally outerlly dissenting against Communist single party totalitarian rule.
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