2. Chinese Characteristics. First of all I have blogged extensively on this matter. That China is not communist and it is not part of their heritage to be communist. However, they have turned history to look like it is but they are not. The Soviet Empire via the Bolshevkian Generals used Colonial Mao to take out the Democratic institutions to place in a puppet regime. So when the Soviets where ready to created the full one world order under their single currency the Rubal. They would then just place Communist China under their rule as that is why Mao was considered a colonial. As there was no way without Soviet wish to conquer China that Mao would have turned it Communism. So saying that Chinese Characteristics of SOE's and Sovereign Wealth funds are China's ideas is like saying they also made the cell phone. Which is not true, they just exploit it by using it for economic purposes. It would be properly stated as Soviet Characteristics or even Marxist Characteristics. As the Communist manifesto states that the Communist will have to go Socialist to destroy the free markets and Democracy check and balance for them to then implement Communism over the satellites that they will have created via a centralized reliance on the Communist for economy and resources. Again this is more Stalinist and Hitler, if anything with the Communist genocide and completely banning Buddhist monks of the Buddhist books, much like Hitler banned a part of the Abraham tribe the Jews plus used SOE;s and Sovereign wealth funds to gain resource dominance before expanding militarily. One could say it is more like Communist China has Hitler Characteristics.
There are other words, but I am not reading their material yet. As I am still collecting English material. As I grew very tired of seeking rural educated folks to right papers for me to then translate on what they felt and thought of Communist. As in rural areas fascist and totalitarian regimes treat folks the worst. So just English please. No more translate button, fix post.
Rider I
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