This is an unprofessional Collection cite. That wishes for Speech and Debate with Regards to the topics collected and Special Libraried. I wish for defense of Fair Use Doctrine, not for profit, educational collection.

"The new order was tailored to a genius who proposed to constrain the contending forces, both domestic and foreign, by manipulating their antagonisms" "As a professor, I tended to think of history as run by impersonal forces. But when you see it in practice, you see the difference personalities make." Therefore, "Whenever peace-concieved as the avoidance of war-has been the primary objective of a power or a group of powers, the international system has been at the mercy of the most ruthless member" Henry Kissinger

The World market crashed. There was complete blame from the worlds most ruthless power on the world's most protective and meditational power. So I responded with: "We must now face the harsh truth that the objectives of communism [The Communist Chinese Party's (CCP) Economic Espionage Units called the MSS] are being steadily advanced because many of us do not recognize the means used to advance them. ... The individual is handicapped by coming face to face with a Conspiracy so monstrous she or he cannot believe it exists. The American mind simply has not come to a realization of the evil which has been introduced into our midst" Therefore, like Dr. John Nash would probable think: This is because of our lost state craft of tracing scientific coding in the intelligence community of the algorithmic code of the Communist espionage agents. As "The Communist [CCP's economic espionage units called the MSS] threat from without must not blind us to the Communist [CCP's economic espionage units called the MSS] threat from within. The latter is reaching into the very heart of America through its espionage agents and a cunning, defiant, and lawless communist party, which is fanatically dedicated to the Marxist cause of world enslavement and destruction of the foundations of our Democracy/Republic." J. Edgar Hoover. Which allows the Communist to shape the future and powers that be. As "Our citizens and our future citizens cannot share properly in shaping the future unless we understand the present, for the raw material of events to come is the knowledge of the present and what we make it"

Lieutenant General Leslie R. Groves

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Wednesday, April 27, 2011

How Communist China is filling the shoes of the Soviet Bolshevkian Communist Russians.

The Soviet Empire was created on the bases that trade agreements that did not apply for the term of free trade. This is because a free trade agreement is with governments that do not use SOE's and Sovereign Wealth funds as cold war weapons, but yet keep SOE's for basic poverty level shares of those who are in need of it the most. Not abuse the SOE and use it to crush free enterprises and the basic idea of individual ownership of labors. Thus, then as Marshallian the head Economists, Lockean, and Smithian all agree that free trade can't be if the state has its hands heavily into the economy. This thus means that if the tribal leaders or Political parties are creating entities that centralize the wealth of the people in the hands of the elitist leader for their wishes it causes massive amounts of determent to freedom. As such, like the Soviets tried to call their trade agreements Free Trade Agreements, and much like the Communist Chinese now try to call their trade agreements free trade agreements, they are not.

This then means the world has forgotten the wool that the Soviets tried to pull over the world and almost completely took the world by storm. The Communist Chinese are doing the exact same thing. However, this time they just allow free enterprises to cloak their cold war weapons and their sovereign wealth funds. They then bully free markets to force their cold war weapons into their markets or they will not allow their free market enterprises into theirs. This then forces those countries to start to proliferate more Communist SOE's just like we saw during the Soviet expansion. In which countries complete free markets and Democracies where destroyed to try and keep up with the major centralized party the Communist Party. This then is not a free trade agreement FTA. Especially if the FTA has characteristics of Bolshevkian trade agreements before the Bolshevkians Soviets just outright invaded and forced upon their trade partners a single currency and to rely on them and to not trade or to allow illegal anti trust contracts with them instead of allowing free markets and Democracies to play fairly in the economy.

Furthermore, as the world was taken away from the crow's to play fairly and thus forced into trade contracts under the Soviets thus leaving the free markets and Democracies the raven of the world. We are seeing this complete action again in Soviet Characteristics via the Bolshevkian style. This is as the Soviets spent billions on the propaganda against free markets and Democracies of political and economic adversary systems with proper checks and power left into the hands of the individual via allowance of the 1st Amendment for debate and proper presentation of the representatives of the government and actions of such. We see the Communist Chinese implementing not only at their domestic interior action but also in those countries it has so called FTA's with the idea of non dissention to the representatives. Much like the Bolshevkian Soviet style representatives are gods and all citizens no not better than the. They thus place in detention and perform literally brain washing that only the Communist party knows best and can lead the people. This is again not Chinese Characteristics as China was a Democracy before the Soviets invaded, but Bolshevkian Soviet Characteristics.

We thus see billions of dollars being implemented by the Communist Chinese not only domestically but abroad to stifle dissenting opinion to the Communist single world currency or single world domination. We have seen such entities like the Communist Propaganda machine move in trillion dollar cold war weapons of media to rebut any dissenting opinions to the Communist Party rule in US and free market media. But we have also started to see vast amounts of the Communist implementing Soviet style Dictatorial ships in foreign countries with massive amounts of minerals and resources. This is primarily done through underground funding of anarchist and war lords through SOE's and Sovereign Wealth funds. This can been seen in India and the Phillipines in extreme and a complete action in Africa. In which the Africa Democracy of a country I forget the name of was completely destroyed and a Dictatorship was created. All based on the idea that the Democracy was going to trade minerals with the US, and the Communist Chinese did not get the contract. Therefore, the Communist saw as it was a third world Democracy, UPS did not go there, so we had Visa's sown in under false necks to watch. We saw the Communist agents funding terrorists camps to destroy the Democracy. Thus, like was predicted after the communist funded terrorists  destroyed the Democracy. The new dictators would not trade with the US at all and would only allow the Communist to trade with them.

These are just a few examples of how the Communist Chinese have fulfilled the Soviets shoes. There are millions of such analogues examples of how the Communist care not for Democracy of political adversary or free markets to keep the value of the trade in the market place and out of the hands of the elitist leaders. But just like the Soviets care more for power and control, through resources and political clout. I only wish my HR side was much better than my collection and analysis side so I could find funding to get books to rebut these massive amounts of information coming from the new KGB the MSS and SASAC against Democracies and free markets.

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US's allies like the EU and other nations of Democracy and Free markets have declined in the wake of the lost non profits against the Communist expansion. We see free markets in debt and the Communist and their satellites following lock and step the Soviet Characteristics wish to take over the world via cold war (economic warfare).

It is hard when you can't send letters to free markets and Democracies with regards to satellite posted feeds of movements of Communist intelligence, per open source satellites. I mean tons of companies will sell you satellite feeds of things they have no clue what they are looking at. However, me, I can spot a Communist movement a outer space away.

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