As such, the IMF wishes to take the Soviet style economic approach where they just analyze the idea of a single currency. However, the free markets and Democracies have long stood on Marshallian grounds. In which Marshallian economics states that economics is just a principle of the bigger picture. The whole off the value should be considered. For example, you can have a criminal who kills and mames and does all kinds of things to hurt folks, who has lots of wealth. However, is he rich? Marshallian would say no. As the wealth should be taken from him for hurting people and committing crimes against the individuals ownership of labor.
As such, the main principle behind the Soviet as again, Communist China's so called idol head was just a Soviet Colonial. Therefore, the principles behind the Soviets ideals of a single world currency have been completely imperalist. Which is base don monarch wish to rule the whole world under their thumbs. Instead of allowing each countries pocket of individuals to have their own culture peacefull and to use their own currency to help build themselves up.
Therefore, the SDR is a complete key into world powered traitorism. Those holding the IMF seats of the SDR cells can easily be picked out in their country for pushing for their country to be allowed to be taken under by the New Soviet Bloc the Communist Chinese. As such, the trace of these IMF leaders to contracts that create false hood Free Trade Agreements that force their country to be tide to the Communist Chinese exactly like the Soviets did before they just implemented them under their single currency rule and centralized resource wealth control. Will show, each of the IMF SDR cell leaders complete treason to their own people to have them taken over by the Communist Chinese. If I had more power and a richer purse I could easily trace them in their own countries along with a translator and a Diplomat in their home countries. It would not be hard for me to see the Political harm that they have done to their own people so as to set up the Soviet Characteristics of a single world currency under the rule of the centralized resource dominated Communist Party.
Along these lines we can see domestically in Free Markets and Democracies that hold civil values and the spread of wealth via free markets over any resource holding as per Marshallian theory, that the CCP along with a mass international connection of traitors to their country wish to help implement characters to make the IMF SDR cells stronger. The conspiracy has turned in the temple and in as the Priory has been seriously offended by the Communist Chinese. Instead of helping Democracize the Middle East or at least bring peace to it the CCP funds the upset youth of the middle east to destory a peaecfull region of religous people. Instead of allowing the Churches of the world autonomy from the state to preach outside of Politics or statism they force churches to preach Communist views and ideals which conform to the root idea that Religion should some day be wiped out. As such, using ideals that really do not show the value of the Churches of the world.
The IMF has taken the side of the Soviet Characterisitcs. This time However, they wish to use a Union of countries in a centralized holder of the single currency which will be lead by a myriad of different ways in which the Communist Party will still be able to control the centralized world currency so as to stifle dissent to their single party rule, based on resource campaigns.
It is my unprofessional opinion that if my traces are true with regards to IMF leaders of their countries getting their countries into Soviet style satellite false hood Free Trade Agreements that the IMF SDR cells should be abanonded and thus stopped from existance as per Ruble tendancies for non power sharing of adequate debate and proper Democratic procedures via a cold currency, instead of the proper civil mutiplicty of world currencies coming together as individual countries. Furthermore, in my unprofessional manner if the leaders of the SDR heads are like I presume they are and Soviet style world domination wishers. I would have their internal countries take a complete look into their movements, to see if there has been any push for their country to be taken over economically by the Communist so as to force a satellite centralization exaclty like the Soviets did when they where on their world resource domination.
Along these lines I say to all Religions and to all cultures of differences. The pyramid if it gets to high will not properly represent the people. Which means free markets allow for a proper holding of differences in currencies which allow currencies to float if not taken as a weapon to control This floating system is based on the countries ability to provide for their people, not their ability to spread out the wealth. Then the reason why countries have more political clout as non one runs the world ever, is based on civility and the ability of countries to live peacefully in harmony with the many tribes that are inside of them. As the US and Democracy allow for the most peaceful way of tribes without oppression or tyranny to live and debate together.
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