This is an unprofessional Collection cite. That wishes for Speech and Debate with Regards to the topics collected and Special Libraried. I wish for defense of Fair Use Doctrine, not for profit, educational collection.

"The new order was tailored to a genius who proposed to constrain the contending forces, both domestic and foreign, by manipulating their antagonisms" "As a professor, I tended to think of history as run by impersonal forces. But when you see it in practice, you see the difference personalities make." Therefore, "Whenever peace-concieved as the avoidance of war-has been the primary objective of a power or a group of powers, the international system has been at the mercy of the most ruthless member" Henry Kissinger

The World market crashed. There was complete blame from the worlds most ruthless power on the world's most protective and meditational power. So I responded with: "We must now face the harsh truth that the objectives of communism [The Communist Chinese Party's (CCP) Economic Espionage Units called the MSS] are being steadily advanced because many of us do not recognize the means used to advance them. ... The individual is handicapped by coming face to face with a Conspiracy so monstrous she or he cannot believe it exists. The American mind simply has not come to a realization of the evil which has been introduced into our midst" Therefore, like Dr. John Nash would probable think: This is because of our lost state craft of tracing scientific coding in the intelligence community of the algorithmic code of the Communist espionage agents. As "The Communist [CCP's economic espionage units called the MSS] threat from without must not blind us to the Communist [CCP's economic espionage units called the MSS] threat from within. The latter is reaching into the very heart of America through its espionage agents and a cunning, defiant, and lawless communist party, which is fanatically dedicated to the Marxist cause of world enslavement and destruction of the foundations of our Democracy/Republic." J. Edgar Hoover. Which allows the Communist to shape the future and powers that be. As "Our citizens and our future citizens cannot share properly in shaping the future unless we understand the present, for the raw material of events to come is the knowledge of the present and what we make it"

Lieutenant General Leslie R. Groves

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Tuesday, April 26, 2011

The Bric has declared Cold War on free markets and individual countries currencies.

They are reacting the Bolshevkian characteristics of wishing for a one world currency. In which the Soviets tried to make the US and free markets look at fault for everything. This is the same exact thing that happened during the cold war with the Soviets. Who wishes to have a one world currency placed around them when they had their single party totalitarian rule at its highest peak. Brazil, India and Russia have all fallen in line to allow the Communist Chinese to lead the Bolshevkian style attack on free markets and Democracies.

I have notified the President that the Cloud 9 council will be meeting. I bet the Presidents chambers does not even remember who or what the cloud 9 council is. As the Communist have infiltrated our government and system so much that is seriously a threat to every countries sovereignty as the Bric is now threatening the exact same thing the Bloc and the Soviets did. Which is to take the US currency out of their banks all together and never use it again, and only use their own currency and trade, in which they wish to implement the IMF single currency in their Bric so as to create a new Soviet style world order.

Again, all cloud 9's are to prepare for the cold war council. All proxy wars are evidentiary, all actions by the Communist Chinese to father countries in a union against free markets and Democracy are more than evident, and the constant blaming of everything on the US and free markets and Democracy while completely disenvowing the Communist Chinese oath to transform to a free market system without cold war weapons of SOE's and Sovereign Wealth funds, along with a proper political adversary system is completely down. Further, more owls have belief to believe that the Communist have created units inside of the US to start a domestic proxy war between the Republicans and Democrats.

The council is thus called for adhered to by the Owl I expect all Cloud 9 in attendance.

Rider I

This is what I have sent to the IMF, as I have no funding I hope that someone with a better pocket book and time will do the proper favors for the necessary writ.

Dear IMF the declaration of Cold War against free markets and Democracies by the new Communist strength and the new Union against free markets is upsetting.

The idea, that the world has forgotten about the Soviet Union and their declaration of cold war against free markets and Democracies is unbelievable. To hear four major countries who have all gone through the cold war sit down and again declare cold war on Democracy and free markets is very painfully. Many nations remember the reign of the Soviet Union. In which they wished to trade within their Bloc and use a single currency to do so. This then allowed the major player the Russians to control each satellite that traded within the Bloc. This similar declaration that was prepared by the what they now call the Bric is very upsetting. As it was done by the very same party that did it before. The Communist Party of China was supposed to disband its cold war weapons of major State Owned Enterprises and Sovereign Wealth funds. So as to allow the spread of wealth back into its market places without elitist leaders controlling the wealth for international conquering. However, they have turned against their oath to do so and have conglomerated them into major cold war weapons. Along with that the Communist Chinese like the Soviets and Russians have completely denounced Democracy. In a word play they try and say they are with Chinese Characteristics. However, I find nothing Chinese about what they are doing. As everything they are doing was done by the Soviet Empire run by the Russian centralized holding of wealth and resources. Along these lines, we have seen full blown intelligence wars to destroy Democracies in Africa I believe called Gena where a President wished to trade freely with a free market and Democracy then the Communist funded an underground revolt to place into power a Dictator very similar to Kim Jung Ill. This was so like they do with North Korea that they could control the resources. Along these lines we have also seen the Communist Chinese wish to trade with a peaceful nation for resources. However, when they where told no, they just invaded, which now Tibet is no longer a Democracy nor is it a free market. These things cause memories of Soviet Empire building. As we see Communist Chinese contracts supposedly of free trade but relying heavily on cold war weapons of SOE's and Sovereign Wealth funds exactly like the Soviet's did, in which the contracts imply that if the contracted wishes to trade with anyone else the Communist party has to agree or consent. This again, is exactly what the Communist Party of Russia did when it wished to create a single world currency for the international community to trade under. 

The idea of freedom and Democracy is not an idea of a single currency or a single government. It is the idea of multiplicity, the idea of debate between many tribes coming together peacefully and belong allowed to be separate in their sovereign respects. In which they can come together on their own without being forced under a bigger power. The scare is that the new declaration of Cold War from the Bric and the new central holder of power the Communist Party of China, instead of Russia. Is that they wish to force the world under a single currency of trading. Which will then make it hard for those countries who descent against the powerful countries to trade in different currencies. As currently any country can trade in the currencies they chose to trade. This the allows for a free market. In which countries can feel safe away from the powerful elitist if they wish to descent. The idea that the world crash was the fault of the US is shallow, and very Bolshevkian. As we saw the Russians and Soviet empire or Bloc, do the same thing to the US to undermine free markets and Democracy. As to uphold the Communist Party single totalitarian rule and idea of control via the centralization of wealth to the a single major resource holder. The idea that the IMF has started this for the new Soviet Empire, or lets say Bric. Is even worse. As the IMF was created to be a place for judgement not a place of control of the wealth. This shift from a free market Democratic society system to a Communist Soviet Bolshevkian style market place is very upsetting. It is very similar to the real affect of the market crash of the world. 

The reason why the world crashed is simple. Greed. It is the same reason why the world went through Business cycle troughs at such high depth. It was because the Soviets where at cold war or economic warfare with the free markets and Democracies. This then meant the Soviets would constantly play economic game to get the free markets and Democracies to peak then crash. This then allowed their centrally controlled markets and very powerful totalitarian regime to expand during the trough cycles of the free markets and Democracies. This is the same exact thing we are seeing now with the Communist Chinese and the Bric. The free markets crash out and the Communist expand heavily. The way the Communist did it this time was, through a system of using cold war weapons of SOE's and Sovereign Wealth funds that keep the value and currency in the hands of the party instead of the market place. In which the party just like the Soviet Party, can then use it as a weapon. In which they where able to peak stock markets and then before they where going to level out sell at a very strategic point. I should know. I have traced communist Chinese economic warfare agents and walked into their business. In which I saw a screen across the top of the room, which had a US free enterprise and a Communist Cold war weapon with three characters and tons of computers for dumping stocks. Along with this prior to the fact was the measure of centralized wealth in cold war weapons that causes easy dumping via anti trust and cartel activities. Very similar to the Communist Chinese cartelling 16 SOE car manufacturers to create a single type of car. Where as in a free market all business have to compete with each other and thus allow a better spread of wealth for more jobs and a better keeping of value and wealth in the market place. Instead of placing the wealth in the hands of the elitist leaders fo cold war strategies. 

I could go on for days. I have. 
I am convening a very old council on the matter of cold war. I am so upset to hear that the Bric and the Communist Chinese wish to restart the cold war and implement a single world currency. This upsets my free market and Democratic heart. Especially after how hard we had to prove that the Soviet Empire was just trying to destroy free markets and Democracies so it could own the worlds resources and force everyone to be centered around them. Thus allowing them to be the ruler of the world. Where as currently the US does not rule the world. We have a Democratic system where voting is done. Folks can vote to use that currency or this currency. Then vote to help out a country or not. However, in Bolshevkian style control they will use their resource holdings to run the world as their own satellites. As we have seen with how the Communist Chinese have dealt with the US and Japanese with resource quotas even though their resource's have doubled. 

I pray the IMF hears my wishes and the old owls of America will not have to worry all over again, about some single country trying to control the world via a single world currency as they hold the worlds resources via cold war tactics. Instead of a proper Democratic two party or more check and balance to spread domestic wealth along with a free market that keeps the value in the hands of the individual and the market instead of the elitist rulers who wish to use the Sovereign Wealth funds from the SOE's to destroy then devour free markets and Democracies. 

Rider I
I am sorry, we have to convene. Owl I

I can't believe we are being threatened with cold war all over again, and the Communist Chinese are not being pressured to fulfill their oath to become a non cold war weapon country and a Democracy with proper political adversary system for checks and balances. It has only been 20 years since the Russians Communist Party tried to pull this wool over the world's I's, now we see it again and it is like nobody remembers. 

This is an opinion from a non professional, all opinions are guesstimates without necessary proper funding for a proper grant to show how the SDR is exactly like the Ruble and the Soviet Empire and Bolshevkian characteristics of one world control through resources.

If the statute wishes to play along to protect freedom and Democracy it may. 

However, for the Owl I's of the Oaks and streams and waters and dreams. We will meat where the owls fly 
to arms like the hawker's of old. In which if all Owl's are properly gathered we will then figure out what to do 
with this deja vu//\\

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