This is an unprofessional Collection cite. That wishes for Speech and Debate with Regards to the topics collected and Special Libraried. I wish for defense of Fair Use Doctrine, not for profit, educational collection.

"The new order was tailored to a genius who proposed to constrain the contending forces, both domestic and foreign, by manipulating their antagonisms" "As a professor, I tended to think of history as run by impersonal forces. But when you see it in practice, you see the difference personalities make." Therefore, "Whenever peace-concieved as the avoidance of war-has been the primary objective of a power or a group of powers, the international system has been at the mercy of the most ruthless member" Henry Kissinger

The World market crashed. There was complete blame from the worlds most ruthless power on the world's most protective and meditational power. So I responded with: "We must now face the harsh truth that the objectives of communism [The Communist Chinese Party's (CCP) Economic Espionage Units called the MSS] are being steadily advanced because many of us do not recognize the means used to advance them. ... The individual is handicapped by coming face to face with a Conspiracy so monstrous she or he cannot believe it exists. The American mind simply has not come to a realization of the evil which has been introduced into our midst" Therefore, like Dr. John Nash would probable think: This is because of our lost state craft of tracing scientific coding in the intelligence community of the algorithmic code of the Communist espionage agents. As "The Communist [CCP's economic espionage units called the MSS] threat from without must not blind us to the Communist [CCP's economic espionage units called the MSS] threat from within. The latter is reaching into the very heart of America through its espionage agents and a cunning, defiant, and lawless communist party, which is fanatically dedicated to the Marxist cause of world enslavement and destruction of the foundations of our Democracy/Republic." J. Edgar Hoover. Which allows the Communist to shape the future and powers that be. As "Our citizens and our future citizens cannot share properly in shaping the future unless we understand the present, for the raw material of events to come is the knowledge of the present and what we make it"

Lieutenant General Leslie R. Groves

If you have any problem with IP or copyright laws that you feel are in violation of the research clause that allows me to cite them as per clicking on them. Then please email me at
US Copy Right Office Fair Use doctrine. Special Libary community common law, and Speech and Debate Congressional research civilian assistant. All legal defenses to copy right infringement.

Sunday, April 24, 2011

Data mining for a not profit purpose.

The purpose of this cite is to fulfill two basic needs.
1. The idea that the reality that Communist China has stopped its political and economic reform at a place where it benefits itself based on the cold war weapons and single totalitarian control. Both which allow it to conquer and control instead of spread wealth domestically via individual whims. This then is a major threat to free markets and world economic stability. As the Communist have major Bolshevkian characteristics, of cold war weapons of SOE's that are not welfare institutions but compete along side their very competitive very rich free enterprises which allow the Communist to gain a monopolistic style economy. Where if there cold war weapons are allowed in they will use them as they can control the activity via the MSS and SASAC centralized communist expansion committees. Or like most free markets if they can't get in their cold war weapons. They can get in their rich eltitiest cronies which have to be part of the Communist party. Where they then can control the activities by mere report drops, orders, and pressure from the party.
2. In my natural individual need for greed. It makes me happy. I always wanted to be part of something to help the bigger picture. I have been everything from a leader of a trend to a leader of a massive educational institution. This data mining finds my soul and heart in which I feel like I am able to help place pressure on the Communist to finish the transition of their politics and economy. Thus, stopping the massive build up of unnecessary cold war weapons when they have competitive free enterprises in the same industry, along with the finishing of their political reform by allowing a free election, and free assemble of opposition groups to the party.

I do have legal education, however, I am not an attorney. Along with that on this blog post I am not a professional at all. I have constrewed this cite to make it as possible under the protection of the law as possible without actually speaking with an attorney. Then again, as you can tell I like to read and write. I just do not do it in a pragmatic professional manner on this cite, as again, this is not a profit cite. Which means, the way in which I present on this cite has kept many a rich and educated personality from furthering this cite or my study based on this cite. As I again I have friends from the dirt to the marble, so I know and have heard stories of how folks wanted to fund me, then based on the unprofessional nature of this cite did not. So it worked.

At first I felt bad and asked people if I could use their intellectual material. However, no one ever got back to me on the matter. So I just figured out the way around the matter and kept going. I want to of course get paid of this and If I did I would properly again make the liztomania of authors and intellectual creators and go around and speak with them. However, I could still under the law with my unprofessional non attorney opinion, get around it with a non profit blog as I would barely have enough to live on and basically use the intelligence for an educational purpose of a serious problem I see in the world. Which is, a return to cold war weapons that we saw during the reign of the Soviets. However, this time it is intertwined with competitive markets so as to crush developing countries, by the developed countries like Communist China that use the cold war weapons along side their cloaked free enterprises.

Again, I do not know. I can seriously tell you. It all started when I graduated college. I never was able to place my historical application into why I was so enthralled about NAFTA, or the cold war or Communist China over the Soviets or Russia. Now I think it has all come together. Will this cite someday make me, probable, will it cause me major trouble probable, do I care, no. You know why. I am not trying to destroy or conquer or be tyrannical. I am trying to help the people of the US with its major economic warfare devastation by cold war weapons, I am trying to help the people of Communist China as they are treated like serf's in the rural area and most of all I am trying to show how Communist cold war weapons of SOE's in non welfare poverty level market shares of necessity seriously harm the world economy and allow a single party to wield them like nuclear economic bombs.

Again, if anyone is offended by the use of their data on this not for profit cite. Let me know and I will take it down, and read the material and provide a brief instead of the full document for those who stumble upon this cite to remember why individual whims and Smithian, Lockean and Most importantly Marashallian economic which states to take everything into account from military power to political non Democratic voting orders.

Again, this cite is constrewed in a manner of my lun a ticking all night, man I acts of writes, and my pys caught it behavior of prediction to show a complete non professional and non ability to invest in this cite.

Rider I

The best part about this whole thing is this is kind of like my life long dream of wishing to be able to be funded to completely rebut Karl's Marx's Volumes on Civil governance and replace them with my Collection named Indivisimus Maximus, which would go line by line and refute the ideological principle of Communist order replacing the human species back into a serfdom popular feudalism. As I have not found funding to sit down and be able to write those volumes, this will have to do for now.

I mean I always found Karl's Marx's unlike the Illumanti's I like to take after, shacking the human race to the earth in human bondage to each other. When, in my mind, why do that when individualism Lockean, Smithian and Marshallian allow for the best competition of intelligence which allows each individual to compete for their individual whims. For example, when I was a kid I wanted to be a fire fighter or a police officer. Who would of known that at a grown age I would want to become an economist so as to stop any idea of single world currency and single world government based on communal bondage for the elite to control the rest. I prefer that the power stays in the hands of the individual via competition, no popular party butt kissing.

I am that human at the bottom of the pyramid standing in the shadows holding up its pinky and index finger, while kneeling before the bottom rung of the pyramid with a shield. Again, the idea that rich or serious anger problem people think that enslaving the poor class and middle class will some how make them happier or richer is to a real poor person like myself the stupidest and least proven thing in the world. As a poor person coming from a truck driving family, who felt every single service bell curve trough cycle. I can tell you the best a poor person has is the idea of free markets and Democracy. That no matter what side you are on, no matter, what you come from. If you put your all into it and work hard and follow the laws. You in a free market and a Democracy have a fair competitive chance to some day represent the whole country as the President or capital leader. That my friend is no BS why millions of American soldiers have placed their lives on the line.

I have a communist acquittance who i debate with. Every time I hear him I hear pompous ideas of saving the poor by enslaving them to each other, and a popular voted in elite class. When I speak with all of my other friends, they all agree free markets and Democracy is the best way to climb any ladder, as they are trillions more ladders in a free market and Democracy than the few in the Communist ideological perspective.

I theorise into outer space, Marx theorized right back into feudalism.

There is safety net, then there is complete human bondage to the elite class. I prefer, free markets in which I can compete against my boss and will not get arrested if my and all my buddies meet up at Mcyd's to prepare a protest against the local tribal representatives. I mean, it is so much fun, creating signs with slogans against the tryanical law makers, darn politicians can never keep their promises. I love protesting, this is my protest in a very serious manner to funding Communist expansion via cold war weapons of SOE's and Soverign Wealth funds.

I know what I should do I should get a protest together of all the Vietnam vets, immigrants that fled communism and all those that believe Democracy is the highest form of civil right and just place Rider I Anti economic warfare on the sings and have them walk around going, no doe for Communist Warships. That is really hard to repeat and not that catchy but around that somehow. I should do that when the Communist come over hear and where my crown with my 6 trees and lion of the guard, along with place the crest on the bottom of the protest signs, Per Mare Per Terras. That is what I should do, then bring weapons made of ice like guns and bombs and place them around the area, and call them cold war weapons with huge signs explaining how SOE's and Sovereign Wealth funds are cold war weapons and trillions of people in history have  fought against Monarch and Communist SOE';s and Sovereign Wealth funds. Oh the good days coffee and crayons and ink pins fighting against the taken of constitutional rights, or the raising of taxes when money can obviously should be taxed from the Communist 76 trillion dollar rich Chinese, from SOE's to Soverign Wealth funds to reserves, all things free markets do not depend on, surpluses are nice though.

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