If I ran a country and I new I could gain sympathy and humbleness from the world which would gain me favors in getting my trade partners better contracts or a shield from political pressure. I would then, as a very smart person use that in every way I could, from creating false Free Trade Agreements, to constantly attacking those in back door politics that dissent against my countries rule. As such, I would then have no benefit to actually spread the wealth my country has accumulated. As why would I win my single party rule would have all the power and we could store up massive amounts of wealth in SOE's Sovereign Wealth funds and reserves which we could then use to play macro economic cold war games to decay those that dissent against my parties single rule. Along those lines why would I stop there if I new I was protected by a bad weighing system. I would move further and thus try and dominate the world resources as I know the root of all economic principles is the ability to create value which is the ability to trade something for something.
Therefore, as I would never do that as I believe in opposition and have a high moral conscious to my own stupidity with out proper debate or forensics from an opposition that is as powerful or more powerful than I. You can see how one smart Druid could easily use the improper weighing system to create a whole dynasty based around one simple improper weighing principle.
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