The propoganda department of the Communist Party of China has started using a major campaign on enligsh words to try and create sympathy for their world domination by use of SOE's and Soveirgn Wealth funds. This is mainly done by using the Bolshevkian Soviet characteristics that are still left inside of China. These characteristics where forced upon the Chinese people by the Soviets. This was primarily because the Soviet Communists had plans to take over Communist China and they did by use of Colonia Mao. Who destroyed their Democracy and outstead the National Party to Tawian.
These Soviet Characteristics that are still left inside of China to terroize their people by totalatarian control, have not yet left. Along with that the Communist party who stated they would reform their markets and political system to an adversary system so as to create a proper check and balance has decided they like the Bolshevkian characteristics to stay.
This is because the Communist Chinese now wish to take over as the worlds tyanical user of SOE's and Soverign wealth funds to create a centralized world economy based on the Communist Chinese. In which again will allow them to do what the Bolshevkians tried to do until the I tribe out of the 12 stood up and said sorry, you are the very reason we where ordained, much like your party has been ordained by the Bolshekians, or the Kings or Queens have been ordained by their priests the people of this world along time ago ordained us to stop tryanical single party rulers from taken over the world.
Rider I
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