The biggest fear my unit has, is that our leaders and representives believe in the Defeatist mind set that was started over 30 years. Ago the idea that the US will never win in the implementation of a free market Democratic society. In which the Communist force upon the two party debate system hatred of each other and massive amounts of static and other pressure points on the debate warriors which cause such things, as high debt specific slap in the face to each other without due case or worry for the country. Along with that the basic idea in foreign policy that key foreign policey advisors will advise against the best of the US because they have the mentallity that the Communist are not a threat or that they will just beat us or that like some of our richer fellows who have been traced to have massive amounts of eletronmagentic brain washing, they think that Communist cold war weapons are just cute characteristics of Communist China. Along with that one major very old anti communist has completely turned prowl and started saying that the Communist cold war weapon and proliferation of SOE's and Soverign Wealth funds is the way of the future. This is the biggest and worst threat that my team that was created without any government or around the goverment has had. The idea that not even those trying to hide themselves are actually safe, nor are those of the community which once was so proud to stand against the likes of Hitler Stalin and Mao in their idea of a one world enslaved to SOE's and Soverign Wealth funds. That is the biggest scare of this old think tank, it seems to be coming true.
Rider I
what do you do when you nightmares come true. You pray to the lord, you gear up and you fight, and keep going until you can't go anymore, in this case as an American believeing in Democracy as the highest calling, I write, and I send letters, and I collect information to show that Communist Cold War weapons are still a major threat to this country and have actually destroyed this country in a mini implosion for the second time now. Which will end up in a big implosion the third time around. I will just keep placing my boot in people's butts until someone wakes their iron sides up and says hey whats going on over there.
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