As such, it is the improperly of the IMF and its constant allowing of the Communist Chinese to do things like join forces with real Developing countries like Brazil, Russia, India. As those countries do not even have a quarter of the wealth that the Communist Chinese centralize and hold back from their own people. Along these it is the policy of the Communist Chinese as per their rural people that is the major improper weight system that allows the Communist Chines to be part of a trade group of real developing countries. The Communist Chinese should not be allowed to bully around the other three groups as they have more money. While also being able to influence their elitist leaders to act more like the communist chines and centralize their wealth so they can all attack free markets and Democracies and starve out their rural people as the spread of the centralized wealth does not ever reach them for schools or hospitals or simple plumbing aspects. This is not because they are developing as much as it is because the Communist Chinese are holding back development until they feel they have a complete control of the world economy over the free markets and Democracies. In which is the same thing the Soviets tried to do.
Therefore, we see that if the weight application of the Communist Chinese is the idea that they are a developing country because their poor and rural have not. Well that is because the CCP holds back and has lots. This then should be a major focal point of IMF weighing principles before they take into account the idea of a single currency that is being so strongly represented by the Communist Chinese. Again not because they care about rural people and a floating currency that allows other countries to build their economies like the CCP was able to enjoy. But because they are big babies in high chairs that wish to stop the other developing countries from gaining resource contracts via a floating individual multiplicity of currencies that will take the power away from the Communist Chinese economically like it has the Democracies and free markets that have allowed such things to happen for the baby Communist. Who currently are throwing a temper tantrum and trying to destroy free markets and Democracies with their single world currency and the bullying of the real developing countries. Which is not fair. As the Communist Chinese where able to gain substantial amounts of infrastructure, wealth and huge amounts of money. However, instead of playing nice and fair they wish to keep it forever and rule the world. Which will then force every other country to come to the Communist as a centralized resource holder, to get anything. Much like their domestic single political totalitarian rule concepts. This then shows the specific niche of fault, mens rea of the CCP and how to fix it.
As the proper weighing of the Communist Chines a developed country based on their storage of wealth and not based on their greed to not develop their poor areas would then allow a proper cognition to start allow such countries as India, Brazil and Russia to climb the ladder to more wealth and prosperity for their countries. As their domestic policies way out shine the spread of wealth over the Communist Chinese.
Therefore, I think the Communist Chinese should not be allowed to band with the Bric and thus forced to sit with the developed countries based on their inability to properly spread the wealth and mens rea to stop others from gaining wealth. Which would then take their shield off and force them to accept more pressure to spread the wealth, as the developed countries have allowed to other nations, like India, Brazil and Russia.
Rider I
The idea that the US has political clout is not based on our storage of massive amounts of resources of wealth in centralized cold war weapons, nor is it based on politically back stabbing other countries. It is based on our ability to debate and peacefully allow opposition. Which by natural law allows the best spread of wealth and fair competition as possible.
This is for the US rural folks, or what my smart butt likes to call Druids. Folks in barns building space ships.
Could not imagine having our folks forced to work for a single political tribe, in which they could never own their own and have their all taken from them for the party to become richer. Just seeing those rich cities and massive sovereign wealth funds, then going out to my old CCP rural back woods high school literally I had to take the biggest well I was not happy about how they treat their poor folks and the spread, mind the gap.
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