Therefore, in all reality is we take the idea of sharing and caring in the world the USA is the big moma. The Communist Party has and will always be the little child that is very greedy, and threatens others when they can't be greedy and get their centralization of attention (international clout), wealth (resources and wealth holdings like currencies and stocks), and power the ability of the baby to create a single reserve currency that does not float or fluctuate with the market or the development of the country at a sustainable rate to allow for faster growth spurts.
I will never forget when I was doing recon for my next degree and I showed up to sit in some Master's Econ classes and just particpated in the class the few first days as the roster was not yet filled or properly annotated. The Professor and more or less called me a communists, I agreed. However, I redifined, I stated I am not a marxist, if you define the USA's idea of Democracy through poliitcal adversary and free markets as Communism in the best wish to spread wealth and power, then yes I am a communist. But no when in hell everyone laughed am I a Marxist.
Which brings me down to truth in heart. As the CCP has forced I believe the map creators and escort providers to lie and discriminate against my color of tone and voice. I can see the truth in their heart, which is to conquer and centralize to their baby party so cute when they want everything. Which in reality, is the problem. As truth in heart comes from actions. The actions taken against my website which wishes to further the actual enrichment of the Chinese people via power sharing and disbanding of single party ownership of SOE's, into a free market, like theirs and ours are supposed to be doing. I do not see it as a hurtful thing to them. I see it as something that will enrich them. From the elder Communists party members as from what I have read they agree with me 100%, that the Marx's idea has caused the world harm, the US's and Frances and others ideas of freedom through adversary of balanced power and individualism has done the best spread of wealth.
The idea to me is like a rich mother, who has allowed he child to grow and become rich and live their lives. However, that child then starts back talking and starts to act in very greed against what it was taught, so much so as to create a massive attention need and tons of material wealth need. So much so that it causes the mother to lose her ability to properly spread her attention and wealth to the others. As such, the reality is the mother then has to do what my ladies? Show some tough love. Stop the SOE's being allowed to spread and cause major havoc by centralized wealth and MSS and PLA unfair contractual battles, along with the myriad of other Soviet Style tactics that their daddy taught them. Along with that, our treasury transfer via trade and debt selling to the USA should be closed. Mother is closing the bank account. As baby explained they will never become a Democracy, nor a free market. No more.
Babies credit card to keep spending all of mothers wealth and value on its greedy single party members instead of properly spreading it out through a balanced shared political structure, is done. She is pissed and the hounds are at the gate if you try and come in. You show us further transitioning and lose the major SOE attitude along with greedy of world centralization of wealth and mother will once again start to be nice. Until then, she frowns upon greed and fascism. No more credit cards to buy from your countries Communist economics. No more losing mother's jobs and taxes for her people to give to you. No more.
Rider i
Your mummy, I.
Someday after these battles once I have won. I am going to smoke a big Whooter with the President's at the secret President Place, that only Presidents and me know about.
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