This is primarily because in international anti trust laws. The trading countries have to have a resemble element to be allowed to gain the jobs back, so as to pay off their trade deficit which causes internal deficits. Internal deficits are caused by the loss of jobs that create enough foreign treasure transfer to pay for the internal over head. So if we take the idea that the loss of jobs is a major impact to countries macro economy. It would hold true that a country could not just off sheet the loss of jobs, like a normal smaller business would do.
This new tool for fighting international greed and centralization of wealth, would also be good for a proper realization of the leaders. As a countries credit level shrinks it would be more realistically tied to the ability to create liquidable trade instead of the cloud economics of financing and inflation. As such, as trade that bring in new foreign treasure creates a surplus for the inner balance sheet, to pay the over head. The principle would be that a proper nexus between deficit expenditures and loss of jobs would be calculated instead of some how being lost in time and space.
Rider I
I think in the rough and nude my principle holds true to country macro international economic debt balance sheets as applied to foreign countries.
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