The second one and funniest of all rebutted by those who wish the most for SOE's and Soverign Wealth funds whilet takening money from the Communist to gain power. Is you guessed the right to pull swords. This is a fundamental right of all humans. The idea that no matter what structure you place in power, someone or some entity can find a way to make tryanical is also a well understood doctrine of the Knights Tri's. This then allows each Representative to remeber tha their populace at large has the right to create and be regulated as a milita in case of allowance of foreign invasion, or in case of domestic uprising in which the governance can enlist the help of the people via their own arms and armorments along with abilities to create arms.
Therefore, the paradox of the Knights Tri's power as written and place in stone to stop their own tryanical understanding of intellegence.
Rider I
Againn like we are seeing today by the complete liquidation of the real passages or rite in the 13 Bloodlines schools of freedom building. In which the basic foundation of where every person who went through passage had to understand how to mason a weapon out of surrounding elements. In which the basic idea of the Civil war agaisnt Britan was formated as any individual of the Knights Tri's understood had to fashion arms, and thus with the mass understanding of such was able to create a better weapon than the King and Queens army who had very few minds and creators compared to the thousands who where part of the Tri's I.
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