However, thought of the day. The reason why the US the world's mother and father all vengenful elder and guardian holds clout in currency. Is not because they are greedy like the Soviets where or the Communist Chinese are. But it is because we do not play head games when it comes to helping developing countries develop. In which we try and state that the floating currency protocal is a political thing. Cause if that is true as soon as the Soviets collapsed the US could have created a single world currency as mother had the attention of the world and father held the bully by the legs. Did we do what the Communist Chinese are now trying to do as they have developed. No, Mom's and Dad's kept a smile said you know we want everybody to have a good quality of life, and if the US centralizes the world around them then it is a problem. However, the Communist just like every party before them that has had power in their theory, want to have power centralized to them. This is the reason why countries love the US. Not because some dragon blows smoke up the US's biggest allies and gets them to ban against a country that is half of their size, but living much better, do to proper statics. How, could the Bric plan the crash on the US. When the Communist are enriched in greed in eveyr manner and the US sits in its rocking chair just giving oders to the cow hands.
That is why the US fights so hard, because it is the not the political thing to do, but the proper thing to do. That is not political it is proof. In the Soviets single currency their countries could not develop or surpass the Soviet mainland. However, in US currency look at Communist China they are way richer than the US, and so what, so is Japan. However, in economy we lead in freedoms as our parties check each other for the most freedom and keep extremist on both sides out of the game.
That is why mom's and pop's have nominated me to be your master and teacher, cause I am one mean little brother.
Another no go. As I was able to obtain funding for my gas through a inerest free grant for a tank. I was able to drive there but there was no place to park and the only free place to park that was about 5 city blocks walk, which I have done before, was full. So I will take the bus there tomorrow to get familiar with the place.
I am setting up my calendar system for all the necessary education I need. Also currently I have to reapply for night school so as to obtain one the classes I need to transfer into my Masters in Economics.
So that is what I am doing.
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