In an everyday circumstance there are so many choices, so many colors, so many cultures, so many ideas, so many books, so much to watch, so many stories, so much to taste, so many places to go. It is very difficult to be free. It is much easier for most people to do the same thing over and over again. In which they spend their whole lives doing very little. However, then you have spiritus that seems to not be able to sit still and does not want to learn just one thing. They have tried to give that spirit a pill so as to calm its wishes to be free and explore and feel it all. However, most of them will not take the pill. As much as they will just crush their sould and sit there like a drone like everyone else. In which they hide behind stories being told to them instead of experiencing them, they taste the same thing over and over again and yet they feel dead. They go to the same spot and it makes them feel comfortable. They go places and they sleep and rest instead of explore with boots and motorcycles and personal protection. They read one book and every day and every weekend they spend their whole lives speaking about that book.
Then you see that one wearing something different, looking odd, not carying, moving forward, doing something different, learning it all, taking the world by grip and holding. Saying things you would never say, confronting people that you would be afraid to see, exploring the book in a manner you have never. As an American you smile and say, that's freedom and you go back to yours. Living in Color, feeding without smother, loving each other, closing deals with a polo shirt instead of stuffy suit, wearing sandals to their own business, flying to places for lunch, tracing extremist and then being extreme about not being extreme. Then I say, welcome to freedom, make sure the pink shirts and sandals don't match.
Rider I
Your situational awarenss is you are in a Democracy and a free market, you look around and say, ahh yes the great wide open. I.
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