Therefore, as the world itself besides literally guerrilla warfare pys opts is not ready to defeat or even defend against such raids, as we have allowed them for a long time, as we can track them and know where they go and do. This then has shown that the lizto's have been able to check from a complete invasion of the earth and our minerals. However, the ability of the world to defend itself and join in against the fight against Communist en slaver grey's in the universe has been stalled for many years now. Primarily because of feud between two systems that has gone completely wrong, do to some very unethical and unintelligible wicked people who want to be party of something bigger. As such, we need to get back to the basics, which is the idea that Democracy and Freedom of Markets is the best defense against the grey's as it decentralizes the people and stops them from being to same via a single world currency or even a single world government that forces the higher powers up to the top in a em bred royal court status. As all high intellects find their way to the top. As such, the decentralization of the world and the embrace of differences is the best way to defend against the grey's.
While once we reach basic levels of cold war and the opposition is on grounds besides earthly desires for conquest. We will see the next cold war bring about the space war in which will catapult the world into its very own secure, and individual universally separate with many cultures unlike the grey's genome. This then will allow each entity to have different weapons in secret. Which makes it much harder for them to infiltrate or even invade, if every country has its offenses and then defenses in space so as to protect their own sovereignty and diversity. Without it we are basically back to step one of humanities defense against the grey's as a single tribal world. However, currently we hold the values of Democracy via competition which makes our cognition's stronger to fight for peaceful debate, along with the separation of countries via lines which makes our physicality of defenses, stronger, faster. The creation of the Soviet Union took a long time to show the Russian's this, and the CCP do not care as their thoughts are we are more powerful as one. Even though the history of our interactions between the grey's our even our own countries will show that decentralization is the best defense.
As such, that is how we check and balance the Grey's.
Rider I
Again Karl Marx's over eating made it so his snapsus where not fast enough or even proper enough to entertain a grey game. Which once again I will alway hold he theorized right back into feudalism and grey type anatomy while Marshallian economics theorized right into outer space via competition. Then again, that depends on how fast you can see the light end of the internet cable.
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