2. Massive amounts of school shut downs decrease in payrool.
2. Massive amount of shut down of police and firefighters and laying off of good paid folks to lose their pensions and their high wages to highre younger workers at lower pay.
2. The selling off of US domestic basese. Which has already been proven is a threat to the US coastal protection form domestic off shore ICMB's via communist cloaked nuclear submarines.
2. The loss of our space systems, as Jetti system in Brazil which helped under a cloaked intelligence program to trace any missiles coming in or from Latin America towards the US or her allies.
2. The loss of civil sectors pensions and retirements based on the idea that they could save money by takieing it away from them.
2. The loss of US middle class, as the rich get richer from exporting jobs, while the middle class crashes thanks to allowing a two tier civil government theory of Communism with the idea of leader and worker, to overtake the US economy.
2. Intelligence bases like JFCOM which check international bases like NATO to keep the US safe and secure from multinational invasion of opposing forces clouted by the CCP.
2. The US clout in international politics.
2. The massive amount of US government clerks, judges and attorneys along with probation officers, welfare officers and the rest that take care of the US. In which all of their cases where already over burdensome and had to kick many just because they could not deal with them all. Thus forcing the US civil system to act much more like a third world civil government world. In which as the loss of jobs and the middle class as per a %5 increase in unemployment has meant a major decrease in public safety net for justice and civil order.
2. The US allies that took the Democracy and free markets instead of the Communist single party rule. As we traded more with the CCP than we did with our Democracy and Free Market allies.
2. The US's ability to gain resource contracts based on the necessity of jobs that need them to produce things. In which, if the US does not produce things it does not need resources, as such then will not compete with the CCP. Nor will it work as a mediator for the CCP resource domination as the US gains little in political clout as it has to start shutting down its international bases like the Jetty system which is one of the key stones to the US America's missile defense system from outer space.
As such from the loss of over 2 million jobs holding strong and not even placed a dent on it. As our unemployment would have to dip down to around 3% at a high middle ground wages of around $40,000 to make it even start to be able pay off our debt. Then there is the list of things the US politicians have with the US citizens kicking and marching and speaking out the whole time the US dark whole of debt is created.
Rider I
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