The basic idea is that there should be very few SOE's as a staple, maily basics like education, security, and then agencies that properly deal with funding of the government's taxes from business so as to make sure the power can get jobs, or have money to survive while looking for jobs. Everything else should be allowed to be owned by the people so as to keep it out of the hands of the political elite. This then creates a better check and balance of Democracy.
The reason for that is, that the political elite then can't use that industry as a weapon against their opposition when they vote for how to run the government. Along with that the political elitiest have to seek tribal council from industrial leaders on matters as a check and balance too. Which means if the people as a whole do not like the leader or tribe. Then the leaders of capital and free enterprises will properly check that person by funding their oppositions peacefull media battle to explain why the people do not like them.
However, if one uses to many SOE's like a f'ing 200. Then it creates basically the breading grounds for future abuse and creation of single party power, as we have seen in such institutions that have allowed major SOE's.
Rider i
of course then again people who love marxist ideas os SOE's and kingship style economics always say that will never happen. The German Socialst, Soviet union Communist China, North Korea, Vietnam. Those where all just bad flukes of communist ideas of SOE's.
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